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Clear dots form.. then you can see the dots under light..

still white, egg shell decreases!

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Q: What happens to the mass of an egg in rubbing alcohol as time progresses?
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What is the molar mass of rubbing alcohol?

A molecule of ethanol has 2 carbon atoms, 6 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. Their atomic masses are 12, 1 and 16 respectively. Therefore, the molecular mass of ethanol is 12x2+6x1+16=46u.

What is the chemical symbol for the compound rubbing alcohol?

One is that it is quite flammable. It's not clear what chemical properties you mean however. It is called isopropyl alcohol, isopropanol, or 2-propanol, or propan-2-ol. It's chemical formula is C3H8O As regards its physical properties, it is a clear liquid, with a strong odor. It is also fairly volatile (evaporates easily). It's molar mass is 60.10 g/mole, it's density is .785 g/cm3, its melting point is -89 °C and its boiling point is 82.3 °C.It is completely soluble (miscible) in water, ethanol, ether, acetone and toluene, and slightly soluble in brine,For more information, see the Web Links to the left of this answer.

If 159.8 ml of carboxcylic acid is reacted with 83.4 ml of alcohol whici is the limiting reagent?

What acid, what mass (not volume!) what alcohol, what mass of that alcohol (not volume!)

Why does the mass of alcohol decrease after heating?

The alcohol is cooked of and loses density in the liquid. Because the liquid becomes less dense, the mass goes down. (Unless you are talking about pure alcohol)

What type of alcohol has a molar mass of 4.75 grams?

The molar mass of the lightest alcohol, methanol, is 32.04 grams per mol. No alcohol has a molar mass of 4.75 grams. To find the molar mass of a substance, you sum the mass of every atom that makes up your compound. For methanol, you add the mass of three hydrogens, a carbon, and an oxygen atom. An alcohol group, more properly a "hydroxyl," consists of an oxygen and a hydrogen and contributes about 17 grams per mol to the molar mass (about 16 g/mol for an oxygen atom and 1 for a hydrogen). Hope this helps!

Related questions

What has more mass a liter of rubbing achohal or a liter of water?

Water. It has a higher density. The density of water is 1 g/cm3 and the density of rubbing alcohol is .786 g/cm3

What are the ingredients in isopropryl rubbing alcohol?

Rubbing alcohol contains two ingredients. One is isopropanol (also called isopropyl alcohol or propan-2-ol), which has C3H7OH as its chemical formula. The other ingredient is water. The rubbing alcohol sold in pharmacies is typically 70% isopropanol by mass and 30% water. It also comes as a 91% isopropanol. The 70% is actually a better disinfectant.Ethyl alcohol is also available as a rubbing alcohol, and is a smaller molecule than isopropanol.Also note that rubbing alcohol that is bought over the counter, especially in the US, is adulterated with all sorts of other molecules, such as benzene and methanol. This is done to keep people from drinking them. (In the US, they are added so that they can be sold without a liquor license.)Read more: What_are_the_ingredients_in_rubbing_alcohol

Why is rubbing alcohol less dense than water?

If you filled a 1L bottle with water and another 1L bottle with rubbing alcohol, which bottle would feel heavier? Use your data to thoroghly explain why. The rubbing alcohol would be heavier because water's density is 1.0, and rubbing alcohol's density is much more than that. Right???

What is the molar mass of rubbing alcohol?

A molecule of ethanol has 2 carbon atoms, 6 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. Their atomic masses are 12, 1 and 16 respectively. Therefore, the molecular mass of ethanol is 12x2+6x1+16=46u.

How many percent are their in ethyl alcohol?

The general formula of ethyl alcohol is : C2H6O and its molar mass is ( 2x12)+(6x1) +(1x16) = 46. Thus C% = (24/46)x100= 52.17%, H%=(6/46)x100= 13.04%, and O%=(16/46)x100=34.78%.

What is the chemical symbol for the compound rubbing alcohol?

One is that it is quite flammable. It's not clear what chemical properties you mean however. It is called isopropyl alcohol, isopropanol, or 2-propanol, or propan-2-ol. It's chemical formula is C3H8O As regards its physical properties, it is a clear liquid, with a strong odor. It is also fairly volatile (evaporates easily). It's molar mass is 60.10 g/mole, it's density is .785 g/cm3, its melting point is -89 °C and its boiling point is 82.3 °C.It is completely soluble (miscible) in water, ethanol, ether, acetone and toluene, and slightly soluble in brine,For more information, see the Web Links to the left of this answer.

What is the mass of isopropyl?

The mass of isopropyl alcohol is 60.1g

If 159.8 ml of carboxcylic acid is reacted with 83.4 ml of alcohol whici is the limiting reagent?

What acid, what mass (not volume!) what alcohol, what mass of that alcohol (not volume!)

What happens to the mass of an object what happens to the acceleration?

If the mass of an object increases, what happens to the acceleration?

How many ml of ethyl alcohol in 50ml rubbing alcohol?

It is prepared from a special denatured alcohol solution and contains approximately 70 percent by volume of pure, concentrated ethanol (ethyl alcohol) or isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol), so approximately 35 mL in a 50mL bottle.

What happens to the mass when the state changes?

what happens is the mass stays the same because of the law of conservation of mass

Why does the mass of alcohol decrease after heating?

The alcohol is cooked of and loses density in the liquid. Because the liquid becomes less dense, the mass goes down. (Unless you are talking about pure alcohol)