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The water become a solid (ice) and the volume increase.

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Q: What happens to water between 0 to -4 degree Celsius?
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What happens to water when you heat it to degree's Celsius?

It boils

Water at 25 degree Celsius what happens when it reaches -10 Celsius?

It is a solid

What happens when water changes from 80 degree Celsius to 120 degree Celsius?

At normal (standard) pressure (100kP) water evaporates at 100 Degrees Celsius.

What happens to a water at a temperature of 20 degree celsius when it is placed into a freezer set at -10 degree celsius?

It freezes

What happens at one hundred degrees Celsius?

At 100 degree celsius water starts boiling. It starts changing into water vapour. 100 degree celsius is the boiling point of water.

Mix some 70 degree Celsius degree water with some 40 degree Celsius water and you'll get water at?

55 degrees celsius

What happens to water at 4 degree?

at -4 degrees celsius if the water is a solid state of matter,it will turn into a liquid

What is the physical state of water at 250 degree Celsius?

The boiling point of water is 100 degree celsius. Therefore water changes in to vapor after 100 degree celsius. Therefore the physical state of water at 250 degree celsius is "Gas".

What is larger a Celsius degree or a Fahrenheit degree?

1 Degree of Celsius is larger. The number of degrees Fahrenheit between Water freezing (32) and boiling(212) is 180 degrees. The number of degrees Celsius is 100 degrees. So the Celsius degree has more value.

What is physical state of water at 0 degree celsius?

Water freezes at 0 degree Celsius

Physical state of water at 250 degree celsius?

water at 250 degree Celsius exists in gaseous state

What is the difference between body temperature and boiling water in degree Celsius?

100 - 37 = 63