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My nasal medication contains citric acid so I've got first hand experience with it. You will experience a sharp pain in your nostrils and then your nasal passages. After a minute or two, it passes. It helps if you have a runny nose.

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Q: What happens when you get citric acid up your nose?
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What products are made up of citric acid?

Citric acid is made in Greeny beanies it is a type of gummy candy with citric acid stick to the side of it.

What is the percentage of citric acid in a lime?

up to 5 to 6 percentage of citric acid will be present in lime.

What is the percentage of citric acid in lime?

up to 5 to 6 percentage of citric acid will be present in lime.

Can citric acid blow up?

No its magic.

What acid makes up a lemon?

A lemon contains Citric Acid.

Do soft drinks remove rust?

Apparently it does. The citric acid in the soft drinks burn up the rust and eliminates it and instead of sticking to the metal it sticks to the acid or the citric acid.

Is citric acid good for radishes?

Yes and no, as some plants need citric acid others do not, but you need to look up the plants that you are growing, and what they need.

Can you make a bomb with citric acid?

I can't see how. Pure citric acid is flammable but it is so weak an acid it is unlikely to create a bomb. Citric acid and baking soda would make a frothy mess but that is only likely to cause an explosion if you don't clean it up yourself.

What do you get when citric acid baking soda and water are mixed?

It fizzes up.

What happens if you mix calcium carbonate and citric acid?

it bubbles up

What foods contain citric acid naturally?

It's strongest in lemons and limes, which are up to 8% citric acid by weight and can even be used to extract the chemical from; sour oranges can also be used, so we assume that the more sour the fruit the higher the citric acid content.

Is sherbet an acid or an alkali?

sherbet should not be fed to your cat under any circumstances.