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zinc granules will have their colour changed to brownish black in colour.

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Q: What happens zinc granules are placed in copper sulphate solution?
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What happens when iron nail are placed in copper sulphate solution?

the solution turns green and the nails develop a brown deposit which is copper. the iron displaces the copper in the copper sulphate solution. This is because iron is more reactive than copper.

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What happens when copper sulphate is added to water?

Formation of a copper sulfate solution in water. This solution has a herbicide and fungicide effect.

What happens when copper sulphate is dissolved in water?

Copper Sulphate mixed with hot water makes Copper Sulphate Crystals.

What happens when an iron nail is dipped in copper sulphate solution?

A brown layer of copper gets deposited on iron nail. This change is due to a chemical reaction between copper sulphate and iron. Also the colour of the solution changes from blue to green due to the formation of iron sulphate. This reaction can be represented by the following equation: Copper sulphate + Iron = Iron sulphate + Copper solution (CuSO4) + (Fe) = (FeSO) + (Cu)

Aqueous solution of copper sulphate is a homogeneous mixture?

an aqueous solution of copper sulphate is homogeneous

How is copper released from a copper sulphate solution?

silicate, carbonate or sulphate

Can copper sulphate be separated from its solution by crystallization?

Yes, copper sulphate(CuSO4) can be separated from its solution in crystalline form.

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What happens when copper wire is dipped in ferrous sulphate solution?

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Why does the color of copper sulphate change when an iron nail dipped in it?

When an iron nail is placed in a copper sulphate solution, iron displaces copper from copper sulphate solution forming iron sulphate, which is green in colour.Therefore, the blue colour of copper sulphate solution fades and green colour appears.