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There are 13 elements with one-letter symbols: B (boron), C (carbon), F (fluorine), H (hydrogen), I (iodine), K (potassium), N (nitrogen), O (oxygen), P (phosphorus), S (sulfur), U (uranium), V (vanadium) and Y (yttrium). That single letter must always be capitalized.

That the names have only one letter is not relevant to their chemical properties; it just means that the single letter seemed the most appropriate way of abbreviating them at the time of discovery/categorization.

You'll notice that most of those elements' one-letter abbreviations are just the first letter of the elements name. The conspicuous exception is potassium, abbreviated K. It could probably have been abbreviated as Po, Pt or Pa -- polonium, platinum and protactinium were discovered later -- but K was chosen nonetheless. This is derived from the invented Neo-Latin word Kalium, derived from Germanic languages with similar words meaning potash (potash being the source of both the metal potassium and the English name for it).

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