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Materials made up of two or more metals or a metal and a nonmetal is what is known as an alloy. An alloy could be a solid solution, mixtures of various metallic phases or intermetallic compounds. Examples of alloys are brass, steel and pewter.

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A alloy is a solid or liquid mixture of two or more metals.

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Q: What is a solid or liquid mixture of two or more metals called?
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What is a solid or liquid of two more or more metals?

A alloy is a solid or liquid mixture of two or more metals.

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When a solid forms from a liquid mixture, that is a precipitate, unless the liquid is in the process of freezing, in which case it is a phase change.

A solid solution that is a mixture with two metals is called?

An Alloy

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It is called a solution.

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Mud is a solid not a liquid if you wanted to know :]

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it is called a solution no matter what it just has to be a liquid and a solid.

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yeah it is a mixture of solid liquid and gas

Is liquid homogeneous?

Yes, think of chunky vomit.... You have the liquid brown stuff and then the chunky bits that are the solid

What do you mean by solution in easy language?

A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two substances (solid-solid, solid-gas, solid-liquid, liquid-liquid, liquid-gas, gas-gas) ex: alloys are mixtures of two or more metals or they can be called as metal-metal solutions. Other very common examples of solutions in daily life are salt solution, sugar solution etc.....

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When the solid and liquid are mixed,the solid disapears into the liquid and the mixture is transparents

What is A special type of mixture that is a solid combined of two or more metals is called a?

An alloy

Is a mixture a solid?

Depends on the material! The atmosphere is a mixture but of gases. Sea-water is a mixture of water and solutions of minerals. An alloy is a mixture of metals. Just think of the definition of "mixture".