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This is beta decay, specifically beta plus decay. The beta particle that appears is the positron, which is the antimatter particle of the electron. Links can be found below for more information.

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Q: What is a type of radioactive decay that involves emission from the nucleus of a high speed antimatter particle that is a counterpart of the electron?
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How electron created from nucleus?

I think you may be referring to Beta decay of a radioactive substance. Beta decay involves the emission of an electron and an electron antineutrino from the nucleus of an atom as a neutron is converted into a proton

What radioactive emission is a particle?

Alpha emission is a 4helium nucleus, which behaves like a particle. Beta emission is an electron, which behaves like a particle. Gamma emission is a photon, which behaves like a particle. Experiments can also be set up to show their wavelike properties (for alpha, beta, and gamma radiation).

What is an electron emission?

The process in which an electron emit from metal surface into surrounding is known as electrons emission

What is the difference between field emission and photoelectric emission?

* emisssion of electron from the surface of the metal when light of suitable frequency falls-photoelectric emission. * emision of electron from the metal by quantum tunnling of electron.

What can be emmited from radioactive decay?

Many particles can be emitted from radioactive decay. We have Internal Conversion in which a nucleus transfers the energy to an electron which then releases it. There is also Isometric Transition which is basically the gamma ray (photon). There is the decay in which a nucleon is emitted. In this scenario we can have an alpha decay (in which an alpha particle decays), a proton emission, a neutron emission, double proton emission (two protons are emitted), spontaneous fission (the nucleus brakes down into two smaller nuclei and/or other particles) and we have the cluster decay (where the nucleus emits a smaller nucleus). There is the beta decay too. There is the Beta decay (electron and electron antineutrino are emitted), positron emission (a positron and an electron neutrino are emitted), electron capture (an electron is captured by the nucleus and a neutrino is emitted), bound state beta decay (the nucleus decays to an electron and an antineutrino but here the electron is not emitted since it is captured into a K-shell), double beta decay (two electrons and two antineutrinos are emitted), double electron capture (the nucleus absorbs two electrons and emits two neutrinos), electron capture with positron emission (an electron is absorbed and a positron is emitted along with two neutrinos), and double positron emission (in which the nucleus emits two positrons and two neutrons).

How do positron emission and electron capture change an atom?

After positron emission or electron capture the atomic number is decreased with one.

Is a proton a radioactive emission?

PROTON has a positive charge. In certain elements there is proton emission possible. Refer to radioactive elements in detail to get exact answer to your question.

What is radioactivity types of radioactivity?

Radioactive decay has nothing to do with chemistry and therefore may not be a chemical reaction. But since matter changes its properties (they are even irreversibly) it is considered to be reaction of one (elemental) reactant. Most decay reactions are kinetically of zero order.Different types of radioactive decay include decay by alpha emission (emits an alpha particle, 2 protons and 2 neutrons), Beta - emission, and Beta + emission (positron emission or electron capture).Some radioactive materials also output gamma rays, protons, neutrons, and can decay by fission.

A beta particle is formed in the nucleus of an isotope due to the?

Radioactive decay; beta decay is a type of radioactive decay in which a beta particle (an electron or a positron) is emitted

What are the three main types of radioactive decay?


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If an isotope undergoes beta emission?

If a radioactive isotope undergoes beta emission, a. The atomic number changes B. the number of neutrons remains constant c. The mass number changes d. The todo isotope loses and electron