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The arrangement of electrons in various shells around the nucleus of a atom is called its electronic configuration.If the electrons in the last shell or the valence shell are between 1 to 3 then the element and if they are between l4 to 7 then the element in a non metal.

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10y ago

An electron configuration is the arrangement of the electrons around the nucleus of the atom. The electrons surround the nucleus in rings. Each ring can hold up to a certain amount only.

The first ring can only hold up to 2 electrons.

The second ring holds up to 8 electrons.

The third ring can hold up to 8 electrons.

And the fourth can hold up to 18 electrons.

It gets alot more complicated after that with different types of bonding.

For example, calcium's electronic configuration is 2,8,8,2. This means that it has two electron in the first ring, 8 in the second, 8 in the third and 2 in the fourth.

The last number in the configuration tells you the group no it is placed in in the Periodic Table.

Hope this helped!! :)

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