

What is ionization level?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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How many extra electrons an atom has or doesn't have.

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Q: What is ionization level?
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What is the ionization energy level for N?

The first ionization energy for nitrogen is 1402 kilojoules/mole

How is the electronegativity trend related to the first ionization energy level?

When electronegativity decrease the first ionization energy also decrease.

Which element has a lower 1st ionization energy than aluminum?

The first level ionization energy oif aluminium is 577,5 kJ/mol.All alkali metals have lower values for the ionization energy.

Do an atom's ionization energies increase regularly?

No, you can see the big jumps in ionization energy when an electron comes from an inner level meaning it isn't a regular increase.

Which element's second ionization energy level is large compared to its first ionization energy?


What energy is needed to remove an electron from its outer most shell?

This is called the ionization energy and an is different for each electron in the atom. Electrons in the outer shell (furthest from the nucleus) have the lowest ionization energy, electrons in the innermost shell (closest to the nucleus) have the highest ionization energy.

Which atom or ion in each pair has the larger ionization energy Cl or P?

Chlorine, Cl. Elements with the most ionization energy are located at the top right corner of the periodic table. As you travel down a period the ionization energy increases, whereas travelling down a group the ionization energy decreases.

Can an element have more than one ionization energy?

yes it can depending on the level of ionizing radiation

Does calcium have a lower first ionization energy level than sodium?

No. Calcium has TWO valence electrons, and Sodium has ONE. It is lot easier to take off one, than two you see. However, the second ionization energy of calcium IS however than the second ionization energy of Sodium. ;)

Does antimony have a greater ionization energy level than tellurium?

Antimony. The higher an element is in a group, the smaller it is, requiring more energy (ionization energy) to remove an electron.

Is H2O l ionization?

what is ionization = =

How can the number of electrons in the outer main energy level of phosphorous be determined using the successive ionization energies?

As each electron is removed, the successive ionization energy values increase. However, the ionization energy increases a lot when the sixth electron is removed. This suggests that the sixth electron is removed from a shell which is closer to the nucleus.