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As each electron is removed, the successive ionization energy values increase. However, the ionization energy increases a lot when the sixth electron is removed. This suggests that the sixth electron is removed from a shell which is closer to the nucleus.

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Q: How can the number of electrons in the outer main energy level of phosphorous be determined using the successive ionization energies?
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Does Phosphorus have a complete outer shell?

No, it doesn't have a complete octet. Phosphorous is in group 5A, meaning it has 5 valence electrons (5 electrons on its outest shell).

Is the ionization energy of chlorine higher than that of fluorine?

In the periodic table of elements, fluorine and iodine are in the same column, but fluorine is in the second, iodine in the fifth row. That means fluorine has only nine electrons flying around in orbitals while iodine has 53 of them. Ionization is the called a process during which a single electron is abstracted - we're now talking about the 1st ionization energy, which is much higher for fluorine. Well, as it only has nine electrons scattered in the orbitals (but according laws, of course), they do not really influence the repelling - attracting actions between the positive center and the other electrons beside them. For iodine with 53 electrons, they really do interfere with the attraction of other electrons AND as the outmost electrons (which are the ones taken away by ionization) are in those orbitals which are at the biggest distance to the center - for 53 electrons the outmost orbitals is at a much bigger distance... both results in a smaller attraction of the electrions at max distance from the center... so for iodine you need less energy to perform ionization.

The amount of energy required to remove one mole of electrons from one mole of sodium atoms is the?

ionization energy

How many electrons are in a phosphorus atom?

There are 15 electrons in a phosphorus atom, but only if it is neutral. The element phosphorus, a nonmetal, is not found free in nature because it is reactive and has loaned out two or more electrons. It has a number of oxidation states ranging through 2, 3, 4 and 5 (and also a -3). The number electrons in a given phosphorus atom will vary depending on its chemical circumstances.

How many electrons does phosphorus atom have?

phosphorus have 15 electron because you know the atomic number to know electron

Related questions

How successive ionization energies help us distinguish between core electrons and valence electrons?

Successive ionization energies to provide evidence for arrangement of electrons into core and valence

Which electrons are removed in successive ionizations?

Valance electrons. When you get to core electrons the ionization energy is extremely high and found under plasma conditions.

For each successive electron removed from an atom the ionization energy does what?

The ionization energy would increase because the nucleus is going to pull the electrons tightly which will make it hard to lose an electron from an atom.

Do an atom's successive ionization energies increase regularly?

No, an atom's successive ionization energies do not increase regularly. The first ionization energy, which is the energy required to remove the outermost electron, is typically lower than the second ionization energy, which is the energy required to remove the second electron. The ionization energies generally increase as more and more electrons are removed from an atom. However, there can be irregularities due to factors such as electron-electron repulsion and electron shielding.

The process of atoms gaining or losing electrons to become anions or cations?

The process of removing electrons is generally called ionization.

How many electrons does the ion phosphorous have?

18 electrons

What of an element is determined experimentally by bombardment of atoms in the vapor phase with a stream of electrons?

The answer that you wish to acquire is ionization energy. pretty sure at least. ;)

What is the formula for phosphorous III oxide?

The formula for phosphorous (III) oxide is determined by the electron shells of the phosphorus and oxygen. Oxygen is in group 6, so it will gain 2 electrons to have a charge of -2 per atom. The Roman numerals (III) with the phosphorous tells us that the phosphorous atoms are in a +3 state, and Roman numerals are used to tell us the ionization state of atoms that have multiple possible states. The common factor of oxygen's 2 and phosphorous's 3 is 6, so we'll have a +6 charge from the P and a -6 charge form the O. To do that, we'll need 2 P's and 3 O's, so our formula is: P2O3.

How many electrons are present in phosphorous Ion?

78 electrons

What atom has 15 electrons?


What element has a total of electrons?


How many electrons in outermost energy level of phosphorous?

5 electrons