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Great site that has an excellent search feature for named chemicals.

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Q: What is the Lewis dot structure fo benzoic acid?
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Does CaCO3 have a Lewis structure?

No, not exactly. It is an ionic compound so it would not have a Lewis dot structure. However, the carbonate anion, CO3^2- does have a Lewis dot structure.

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Why don't we show separate diagrams of hydrogen ion and sulphate ion when drawing Lewis dot diagram of sulphuric acid?

Sulfuric acid is a molecule, although it separates into ions while dissolving in water. Therefore there are no ions in the Lewis structure for sulfuric acid.

What is the Lewis structure of 3O2?

The Lewis dot structure of elemental (biatomic) oxygen (O) have three of its sides surrounded by valence electrons. The Lewis dot would be 3 of these individual O2 structures: .. .. :O::O: .. ..

What do the letter represent in the Lewis Dot Structure?

The nuclues.

What is the Lewis dot structure for copper?

The Lewis dot structure is a diagram to show the bonding between the atoms of a molecule and pairs of electrons that may exist. The Lewis dot structure for chromium is Cr with two dots on top and bottom, and four dots on both sides.

What does the Lewis dot structure for sodium look like?

Will this link help you?, it is quite impossible to draw a Lewis dot structure in this simple text editor. See related links.