

What is the Principal Energy Level?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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The quantum number relating to the size and energy of an orbital

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the s sublevel

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Q: What is the Principal Energy Level?
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How can you find a orbitals principal energy level?

The orbital will be described with a number, followed by a letter, which may have a suffix. The number is the principal energy level. For example 2p, principal energy level 2; 5d principal energy level 5; 1s principal energy level 1.

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Electrons in the outermost principal energy level are called valence electrons.

How many energy sublevels are there in the second principal level?

There are 2 energy sublevels in the second principal.

Which principal energy level has no f sublevel?

level 3

Each period in the periodic table corresponds to .?

Each period corresponds to the number of shells (energy levels) contained in the atom.

What is the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in the principal energy level n4?

The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in the principal energy level n = 4 is 32.

What is the term used to label the energy level of electron?

Principal quantum numbers (n).

Principal energy level 1 of an atom contains an electron with the lowest energy why?

level one electron contain more energy

The number of sublevels in an energy level is equal to the square of the principal quantum number of that energy level?

The quantum number for that energy level.

Which principal energy level will contain electrons with the lowest energy is what?

First energy level bc as the electron falls from high to low it emitts energy

What is the relationship between the size of an s orbital and the principal energy level in which it is found?

nothing at all, because the s orbital is a spherosophical orbital, while the principal energy level isn't.

What best describes how electrons fill orbitals in the Periodic Table?

Answer: Aufbau Principal Aufbau Principal: fills from the lowest energy to the highest energy level