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Q: What is the bond-order of each of the carbon-oxygen bonds in the carbonate ion?
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Related questions

What is the use of carbonate?

Each carbonate has specific applications. Please mention a carbonate.

What is the oxidation number in Carbonate?

Carbonate is CO32- ion and the oxidation numbers are +4 for carbon and -2 for each oxygen.

How may atoms of each element are shown in the formula for calcium carbonate?

The chemical formula of calcium carbonate is CaCO3.

What does 1M solution of sodium carbonate mean?

A 1M solution of sodium carbonate contains 1 gram formula mass of sodium carbonate dissolved in each liter of solution.

What kind of bonds form ions?

Ionic bonds form ions. Ionic bonds are bonds between a metal and a non-metal(anion and cation) where each wil transfer electrons with each other.

What type of bonds can you buy?

corporate bonds, federal government bonds, municipal bonds, asset-backed bonds, mortgage-based bonds, and foreign government bonds. For each of these categories, there are variations.

What does Hyroxide plus sodium carbonate yield?

Both hydroxide and carbonate are relatively strong bases. They would not react with each other.

How many hydrogen atoms (H) are in ammonium carbonate?

The answer will depend on how much ammonium carbonate. In one molecule of the substance, there are 8.

What is the oxidation number for aluminium carbonate?

+3 for each Al; +4 for each C; -2 for each O

Why are oxygen nitrogen and fluorine attracted to each other?

The bonds are hydrogen bonds.

What holdes the two strands of a DNA molecule to each other?

Hydrogen bonds

What ions are present cesium carbonate?

The ionization of cesium carbonate: Cs2(CO3) -> 2Cs+ + CO32-. Two Cesium ions with, each with a charge of +1, and one carbonate ion, with a charge of 2-.