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The electronic configuration of magnesium is [Ne]3s2.

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1mo ago

The correct electronic configuration of magnesium (Mg) is 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2. This configuration represents the arrangement of electrons in the different energy levels and sublevels of an atom of magnesium.

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What is the electron configuration of magnesium?

The shorthand electron configuration of magnesium is [Ne]3s2.

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The correct electron configuration for a magnesium ion Mg^2+ is 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 since magnesium loses 2 electrons to become a Mg^2+ ion.

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The correct way to write the symbol for magnesium is Mg (uppercase M, lowercase g).

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Magnesium, Mg

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If you think to the electron configuration of magnesium this is: [Ne]3s2.

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When magnesium (Mg) and chlorine (Cl) form a compound, magnesium will typically lose two electrons and chlorine will gain one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration. The resulting compound is magnesium chloride (MgCl2), where one magnesium ion is bonded to two chloride ions through ionic bonds.

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I think you are asking how much 1 Milligram of Magnesium weighs. If MG does not stand for Milligram I am sorry The correct answer as above is 1 Milligram or 1 mg

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Magnesium is the correct spell....Whatever, if you add Magnesium (Mg) to Water (H2o), it will form Magnesium Hydroxide. The following equation is:- Mg+O2+H2O=Mg(OH)2

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The correct name for the ionic compound MgBr is magnesium bromide.