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Q: What is the correct family name for the functional group that has a carbonyl group bonded to a nitrogen?
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What functional groups does formaldehyde contain?

Formaldehyde, as its name implies, is an aldehyde. Thus, it contains a carbonyl (CHO) functional group. This group consists of a carbon atom double bonded to an oxygen atom. The carbonyl group is the only functional group contained in formaldehyde.

On monosaccharides the functional group that is found bonded to all of the carbons on the chain except one is called Hydroxyl group Carbonyl group Carboxyl group or Phosphate group?

A monosaccharide is composed of a chain of carbons all with hydroxyl groups, plus one carbonyl such as a ketone or an aldehyde.

How are ketons and aldehydes related to each other?

they have the same functional group

Is it true a carbonyl group is an oxygen atom single bonded to a carbon atom?

No this Completely incorrect because in the carbonyl group we have the carbon atom double bonded to oxygen atom and a carbonyl is probably the most important functional groups in chemistry due to the fact that it is found in wide range of organic compounds....! does this makes sense to anybody? let me know! are you lost....! you better try to find me yourself....!

What functional group is present in a molecule that makes the molecule an amide?

A carbon atom that is doubly bonded to oxygen a single oxygen atom and singly bonded to the nitrogen atom of an NH2 group.

What is a carbonyl esters group?

In the field of organic chemistry a carbonyl group consists of carbon atoms double bonded with some oxygen atoms. However, Carbonyl Esters consists of carbonyl group influenced by different alkyl groups.

What is a good example of a carbonyl group?

The carbonyl, or carboxylic acid functional group is a chemical moiety that plays a critical role in many of the most common biochemical reactions. For example, protein formation relies on a condensation reaction between a carbonyl and an amine group.

Do all aldehydes have a carbonyl carbon bonded to at least two hydrogens?

All aldehydes except one will have a carbonyl carbon bonded to just one hydrogen. The exception is formaldehyde, the simplest aldehyde, which has a carbon double bonded to oxygen and has two bonds to hydrogen.

What is a functional group of a ketone?


What do formamide and acetamide have in common?

They both fall under the Organic Functional Group "amide", meaning they both have a double bonded oxygen and a nitrogen + a hydrogen attached to a carbon.

What are the functional groups of thalidomide?

One Arene and two Imides The arene is the alternating double bonded carbon ring on the left, while the Imides are each a nitrogen with two carbons and another bond, where the carbons each have double bonded oxygens.

Is Nitrogen always bonded with another element?

No. nitrogen is not always bonded with another element. Nitrogen gas which makes up the great majority of our atmosphere (air) is just nitrogen