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A chemical bond formed by the sharing of one or more electrons, especially pairs of electrons, between atoms. O=O in molecular oxygen or H2C=CH2 in ethylene), two; in triple bonds (e.g., HCºCH in acetylene) In coordinate covalent bonds, additional electron pairs are shared with another atom, usually forming a functional group, such as sulfate (SO4) or phosphate (PO4). The number of bonds and the atoms participating in each (including any additional paired electrons) give molecules their configuration; the slight negative and positive charges at the opposite ends of a covalent bond are the reason most molecules have some polarity Carbon in organic compounds can have as many as four single bonds, each pointing to one vertex of a tetrahedron; as a result, certain molecules exist in mirror-image forms (see optical activity Double bonds are rigid, leading to the possibility of geometric isomers (see isomerism). Some types of bonds, such as the amide linkages that join the amino acids in peptides and protiens (peptide bonds), are apparently single but have some double-bond characteristics because of the electronic structure of the participating atoms.

The configurations of enzymes and their substrates, determined by their covalent bonds (particularly the peptide bonds) and hydrogen bonds, are crucial to the reactions they participate in, which are fundamental to all life.

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a molecule is Taylor longfellow..............LOL JUST KIDDING

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