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It depends on the temperature and pressure.

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Q: What is the heat capacity of liquid propane?
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Why are propane tanks rated for water capacity?

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Why do propane tanks stay cool when the burner is on?

Because the propane in the tank is mostly liquid and as the propane gas at the top of the tank is removed to be burned the liquid propane must evaporate to replace it. Evaporating a liquid requires heat, which the liquid takes from things around it. The tank is in closest contact with the liquid propane, so it cools fastest.

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What do you call the amount of energy needed to change a material from a solid to a liquid. propane or water?

Heat of fusion. (I have no idea what the "propane or water" part is supposed to mean.)

Does Liquid ammonia have a higher heat capacity than liquid water?

No, water is the record holder.

Does cold affect propane?

Yes and no. Propane is very nonreactive by itself (except when burned in oxygen). The temperature that propane is at doesn't effect it's properties. Also, propane has a very low freezing point (-188°C) so it won't freeze when it gets cold. However, when using propane for a stove, etc., cold can affect how well it works. A propane tank is full of liquid propane under pressure. When it is being used, the liquid first has to vaporize to a gas, where it can then be burned. Because it takes a lot of heat for the liquid to vaporize into a gas, cold weather can slow down the flow. If this is a problem, the propane tank can be placed in a bucket of lukewarm water so that heat is available for the propane to vaporize.

In which temperature water has maximum specific heat capacity?

The specific heat capacity of water does not change much within-phase (ie, as a solid it has one specific heat capacity, as a liquid/gas it has another)

Capacity of Propane tank with gross water capacity of 285 gals?

Assume liquid propane has a specific gravity of .51. For a liquid with that property DOT regulations say that for tanks under 1200 gallons, the maximum permitted filling density of the tank is 42% of the water weight capacity. Assume water weighs 8.33 lbs/gal. 285 x 8.33 = 2374 lbs capacity. 2374 x .42 = 997 lbs.

What is heat capacity of liquid steel?

Heat capacicity of steel: 460 J/kg.K 0.460 J/g.K

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