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The "extranuclear part" (interesting term, by the way) of the atom is, essentially, the electrons. The electrons determine the chemical properties (and, to a certain extent, the physical properties). So they're very important indeed.

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Q: What is the importance of extranuclear part of the atom when its mass is almost negligible?
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What 2 parts of an atom give it is mass?

The atomic mass of an element depends on the weight of the protons, neutrons, and electrons (almost negligible) in one mole (6.022 x 10^23 atoms) of the element.

Where is most of the mass of an atom contain?

in the nucleus of an atom -proton and neutrons , electrons in the orbit has the negligible mass.

What subatomic particle contributes alomst no weight to an atom?

The subatomic particles that contribute most almost no weight to an atom are electrons at various energy levels. Isotopes of the same element differ from each other only by the number of neutrons.

Do proton have position inside or the outside the nucleus?

Protons are located within the nucleus of the atom. The mass of an atom is made up of majorly; neutrons and protons (both located within the nucleus). The mass of an electron is almost negligible(non-existent).

What is the mass of an atom concentrated on?

virtually all the mass in concentrated in the nucleus of the atom, as the electron's mass is so small, it is negligible.

Where is most of the mass located in an atom and why?

in the centre within nucleus where protons and neutrons are located.protons and neutrons have atomic mass of 1 u each while electrons revolving around have mass=0u[almost negligible]. so most of the mass is located in centre of an atom.

What is a particle of relatively negligible mass?

An electron, with relatively negligible mass meaning the mass of an electron is so insubstantial that it isn't counted towards the total weight of the atom.

Which particles account for most of the atoms mass?

Physics has not managed to discover a particle that accounts for mass

Why atomic mass is concentrated on the center of the atom?

The atom is essentially made out of two main components: the nucleus and the electrons. The nucleus is in the centre of the atom whilst the electrons orbit it from a distance. The mass of the electrons is almost negligible, being almost 2000 times smaller than a proton, which is part of the nucleus. The nucleus, whilst having a minute mass, is still many times greater than the electrons. This is why the mass is concentrated in the centre on the nucleus.

When a beta particle is released from an atom does the atom gain or lose mass?

When a beta particle is released, the atom's mass remains approximately the same because it loses an electron, which has such a small mass in comparison to the whole atom that it is negligible.

Where does all of the mass of an atom exist?

The majority of an atom's mass comes from its nucleus, where the protons and neutrons are joined. The electrons of an atom are so distant and so minuscule in size, that their weight is negligible. When calculating the mass of an atom is therefore protons+neutrons.

What is mostly the space of an atom made of?

About 99.9% of the mass of an atom is concentrated at the nucleus of an atom. Electrons around the atom have really small mass in relation to the protons and neutrons therefore their masses are negligible. Therefore except for the nucleus, most space of an atom is just vacuum.