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the law of conversation of mass states that mass is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction. meaning that the total mass in a chemical reaction doesn't change.

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Cheyanne Tremblay

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2y ago
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1mo ago

The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. This means that the total mass of the reactants in a chemical reaction must be equal to the total mass of the products.

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13y ago

In physics, the principle that certain quantities within an isolated system do not change over time.

When a substance in an isolated system changes phase, the total amount of mass does not change. When energy is changed from one form to another in an isolated system, there is no change in the total amount of energy. When a transfer of momentum occurs in an isolated system, the total amount of momentum is conserved. The same is true for electric charge in a system: charge lost by one particle is gained by another. Conservation laws make it possible to predict the macroscopic behaviour of a system without having to consider the microscopic details of a physical process or chemical reaction.This is the law of conservation of mass.

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Because of the law of conversation of mass

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What is mass of conversation of mass?

Conservation of matter means, matter can neither be created nor be destroyed but it can be changed from one form to another.

How does the law of the conversation of mass apply to chemical reactions?

the law of conservation of mass states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. so when a chemical reaction takes place, no matter is being destroyed. the mass of the reactants must equal the mass of the products.

Example of law of conversation of mass?

if something is biodegradable, the mass of the original object still exists, just in different forms, such as compost.

How can you use the law of conversation of mass to help you balance a chemical equation?

Chemical reaction involve only the bonding between atoms- no atomic nuclei are affected. The law of conservation of mass in chemistry perhaps should be called the law of conservation of atoms!

Can you use law of conservation in a sentence?

With the law of conversation of mass you can balance anything.

What sentences containing the word law of conversation?

I am aware of the law of conservation, you can neither create or destroy matter as it merely changes. You burn something it becomes heat. Mass becomes energy ie. the atomic bomb.

What is conversation law?

The conservation law states that a particular measurable prop

Is it true that the law of conversation of mass states that in any chemical or physical change energy is not created or destroyed?

No, the law of conservation of mass states that mass is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction. However, the law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another.

Law of conversation of mass?

The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. It can only change forms, but the total mass remains constant before and after the reaction. This principle is a fundamental concept in chemistry and is often used to balance chemical equations.