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can be many things depending on the region, but the primary mineral is almost always iron.

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Leo Bergnaum

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3y ago
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4mo ago

The major mineral inside water cells is potassium. It plays a critical role in maintaining proper fluid balance, regulating blood pressure, and supporting nerve and muscle function within the body.

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Q: What is the major mineral inside water cells?
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How osmosis works inside human body?

There are certain types of vitamins and minerals that exist inside cells and float around outside cells that are either positively and negatively charged. If the equilibrium of specific vitamins or a specific mineral is out and creates a deficit from its positive/negative charged counterpart vitamin or mineral; then water is the medium to increase or decrease the pressure of the cells absorption and nutrient uptake.

What is the major ingredient of the fluid inside cells?

Water (H2O) Salt (NaOH & KOH). Note, in mammalian cells, the intracellular and extracellular potassium and sodium levels are different. Potassium - Intracellular 139 millimolar, extracellular 4 millimolar Sodium - Intracellular 12 millimolar, extracellular 145 millimolar

How does mineral water help the body?

Mineral water helps prevent dehydration by helping the cells in the body absorb water. Mineral water is also good for preventing high blood pressure.

How can a cell acquire that mineral to get inside a cell?

Animal cells are able to absorb water and nutrients because of their semi-permeable membrane. The digestive process releases nutrients from food into the bloodstream, which are then synthesized by cells for energy.

Is water made of cells?

Water itself is not made of cells. Cells are the basic unit of life that make up living organisms, while water is a chemical compound composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (H2O). Cells contain water and require it for their survival, but water alone does not have cells.

What do cells contain so that they dont become waterlogged?

In plants, large spaces inside cells called vacuoles can hold water. In animal cells, the cell membrane contains water transporters or water channels that help in removind water if there is too much water inside cells

2 major fluid compartments of the body?

The two major fluid compartments in the body are the intracellular fluid, which is located inside cells, and the extracellular fluid, which includes the fluid found outside of cells in the interstitial spaces and blood plasma.

What main solvent is inside all cells?

water, water everywhere

Where does a cactus store its water?

inside the chloroplast in the plants cells.

What happens to animal cells when in distilled water?

When placed in an hypotonic solution (distilled water) an animal cell will engore itself with the water to the point of brakage. This is because the cell itself is an isotonic (aka: has balances mineral content) and the "mineraless" water will become attracted to the stable solution inside the cell. A diagram can be found somewhere, I suggest looking up cells and hypotonic soutions in Biology.