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simple automatic, inborn response to a sensory stimulus

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action potential

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Q: What is the neural impulse generated by the movement of positively charged atoms in and out of channels in the axon's membrane?
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The movement of positively charged ions across the membrane of a neuron can produce what?

The movement of positively charged ions across the membrane of a neuron can produce action potential. Electrical potentials are commonly generated across the membranes of neurons as well.

The resistance to an ion's movement across a membrane is determined by?

ion channels within the membrane

What movement do ion channels aid?

the movement of ions across a cell membrane.

The movement of positively charged ions across the membrane of a neuron can produce a?

cats \

Movement of water across a cell membrane?

they pass through channels in the cell membrane

Controls the movement of molecules into and out of the cell?

To put it simply, it is the cell membrane. You can have transport vesicles ect, but the cell membrane is the main barrier between inside and outside. It contains pumps, channels and proteins that are in charge of communication and also control movement of everything from inside and outside. hhh

What part of cell controls movement of molecules in and out of cell?

The cell membrane controls what enters and leaves the cell. There are protein channels within the lipid bilayer (membrane) of the cell. There are carbohydrate chains that hang off of the protein channels that identify each particle around the cell to make sure its what the cell needs, if not it wont let it in.

What are the special structures in the cell membrane that allow materials such as water and sugar to pass through made o?

membrane proteins act as carriers or channels for the specific movement of various substances in to and out of the cells.

What facilitates the movement of K plus into epidermal cells of the root?

passage through selective channels, aided by the membrane potential created by proton pumps.

What is selecticely permeable?

Selective permeability usually refers to the ability of a membrane to regulate the movement of materials. An intervening membrane can physically prevent a solute from diffusing down its concentration gradient. This allows cells, for example, to maintain a cytoplasm with a different composition than the extra-cellular fluid. A membrane may contain protein channels for the passive diffusion of a specific substance, actively acquire or discharge others, and have no channels to facilitate the movement of another. Thus, the membrane is selectively permeable for different solutes, usually depending on the needs of the cell.

What the role of protein channels in the cell membrane?

Protein channels are important to facilitate the transport of ions and other larger molecules across the plasma membrane. Large molecules cannot just diffuse thorough the membrane. In addition, polar molecules cannot diffuse through the membrane since it would be energetically unfavorable for them to negotiate the hydrophobic interior of the plasma membrane. Therefore, protein channels are essential in membrane transport.

Action potential is generated by the movement of?

An action potential is propagated in a neuron through the activation of various voltage-gated and ligand-gated ion channels. Examples include sodium and calcium channels and nicotinic-acetylcholine receptors.