

What is the opposite of viscosity?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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16y ago

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inviscid I believe

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Q: What is the opposite of viscosity?
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Do liquid with high viscosity flow faster?

No, just the opposite actually.Viscosity is the measure of the thickness of a liquid so a thicker liquid(ie, a liquid of high viscosity)would logically flow slower.

Can you emulsifier instead of surfactant?

Emulsion two types.1.Oil in water 2.water in oil.-- both will increases their viscosity. surfactant meant : De-emulsification which is quite opposite to emulsifier agent.surfactant decrease viscosity.

Is plastic viscosity or not viscosity?

Resistance to flow in excess of the yield value in a plastic material. Plastic viscosity (U) is proportional to the (shearing stress-yield value) rate of shear. The coefficient of plastic viscosity is the force in excess of the yield value, tangentially applied, that will induce a unit velocity gradient.

What is the difference between viscosity and viscosity index?

Viscosity is resistance to flow of oil Viscosity Index is a scale to measure viscosity

Does soda have a low viscosity?

The viscosity is similar to the viscosity of water.

What is the term for the thickness of a liquid?

Viscosity is the measure of the resistance of a liquid. This is often thought of as the thickness of a liquid.

What has Low density and high viscosity?

honey has high viscosity lah, and water has low viscosity. anything that resists flow has high viscosity...lah. honey has high viscosity lah, and water has low viscosity. anything that resists flow has high viscosity...lah.

What is the meaning of viscosity in Malayalam?


Why does magma rise slowly through the mantle?

The viscosity (resistance to runniness) of magma affects the rate at which it rises up through the mantle. High viscosity magma rises slowly because it's thick and sticky, and low viscosity magma rises quickly (like the big island of Hawaii). Low viscosity magma is less likely to erupt explosively because it has less chance to build up pressure. High viscosity magma is the opposite and a lot of pressure has to build up before it will erupt, which causes a more explosive/sudden eruption.

What affects the viscosity of a molten material?

viscosity is affected by heat and adding water viscosity decreases,by heating viscosity increases....

How does viscosity happen?

Viscosity doesn't happen. Viscosity is a measure of how easily a liquid flows.

What is relative viscosity?

Relative viscosity is defined as ratio of viscosity of solution to that of a pure solvent.