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Silver has plus one.Chlorine has minus one.

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Q: What is the oxidation number of AgCl?
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What is the oxidation number of ag in agcl?

+1 for Ag, -1 for Cl

What is the oxidation number on Ag in the compound AgCl?

+1 for Ag -1 for Cl

What is the oxidation number of silver?

Silver metal, Ag has an oxidation number of 0. The most common oxidation state in compounds is +1 (as in AgCl) There are compounds such as AgO where the oxidation number is not +1 which actually contains Ag with +1 and +3

Is the reaction agno3 plus fecl3 equals agcl plus fe no3 3 redox?

No, it is not a redox reaction. None of the oxidation numbers changes during the reaction. You have to determine the oxidation number for each element and see if it changes from reactant side to product side. If the oxidation number doesn't change, it is not a redox reaction.

Chemical formula for silver chloride?

Silver almost always has an oxidation state of 1+ and Chlorine an oxidation state of 1-. Therefore, silver chloride has a simple formula of AgCl.

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oxidation number of I is -1. oxidation number of F is +1.

What is the oxidation number of HClO?

Hydrogen's oxidation number is +1.Chlorin's oxidation number is +1.Oxygen's oxidation number is -2.

What is the oxidation number of zns?

Zn has oxidation number +2; S has oxidation number -2

What is the oxidation number of H2O2?

The oxidation number for H is +1, and the oxidation number for O is -1.

What is the Oxidation number of sand?

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What is the oxidation number for sand?

Oxidation number of Si is +4.Oxidation number of O is -2.

What is the oxidation number of H2CO2?

Carbon atoms oxidation number is +2.Hydrogen's oxidation number is +1.Oxygen's oxidation number is -2.