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lU=-mB Metal

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Q: What is the potential energy of a point magnetic dipole of moment M placed in a uniform magnetic field B?
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For a loop of current carrying wire in a uniform magnetic field the potential energy is a minimum if the magnetic dipole moment of the loop is?

in the same direction as the field

Is magnetic energy kinetic or potential?

Potential Energy

Which orientation of an electric dipole in a uniform electric field would correspond to stable equilibrium?

when angle 0 b/w dipole moment vector p and electric field vector E is zero then potential energy of dipole, U=-pEcos0 =-pE and torque=pEsin0=0;which means that the electric dipole is in stable equilibrium.

Why is potentials energy sometimes called stored energy?

Because it is. Gravitational potential energy is energy stored in the gravitational field, electrical potential energy is energy stored in the electric field, magnetic potential energy is stored in the magnetic field, etc.

Name one of the types of energy?

Here are some types:* Potential energy * Kinetic energy * Chemical energy * Gravitational potential energy * Magnetic potential energy * Elastic energy * Nuclear energy

What are two forms of potential energy?

In apex, the answers for 2 potential energies, the answers are Elastic, and Magnetic energy.

What are the 3 types potential energy?

There are several types of potential energy, not just 3. The following are probably the most important ones:Gravitational potential energy, i.e., the potential energy in a gravitational field;The potential energy in an electric field;The potential energy in a magnetic field;Elastic energy;Chemical energy;Nuclear energy.

Is two magnets separated kinetic or potential energy?

neither. they separate because of magnetic fields. its not kinetic. its not potential. If you hold them together.. the "push" of them trying to get apart is storing some potential energy.. kind of like a spring. I guess you'd call it elastic potential energy because i dont know if there is such a thing as magnetic potential energy... hmm..

What energy does an object possess because of its position in a gravitational field?

That is called gravitational potential energy. When no confusion is possible, it might just be called "potential energy", although there are other types of potential energy, such as the potential energy in an electrical or magnetic field.

What are three 3 types of potential energy?

1. Gravitational potential energy - When an object falls from one point to another point inside a gravitational field, the force of gravity will do positive work on the object resulting in the decrease of the gravitational potential energy by the same amount.2. Elastic potential energy - the potential energy of an elastic object that is deformed under tension or compression.3. Chemical potential energy - A form of potential energy related to the structural arrangement of atoms or molecules.4. Electrical potential energy - It is of further two types:-a) Electrostatic potential energy - It is the energy of an electrically charged particle at rest in an electric field.b) Electrodynamic potential energy - When a charged object or its constituent charged particles are not at rest, a magnetic field is generated giving rise to another form of potential energy. This is also known as magnetic potential energy.5. Nuclear potential energy - It is the potential energy of the particles inside an atomic nucleus.

What type of energy do things contain?

"Things" can contain just about any type of energy, depending on the situation: kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, electric potential energy, magnetic potential energy, elastic energy, nuclear energy, heat energy, etc.

Could you define a magnetic potential energy as electrical or gravitational potential energy?

It is both as gravity makes electric power with magnets hope it helps.