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The process of electron gain is called reduction. For example, if Br gains an electron, its oxidation number is reduced from 0 to -1, and will be written as Br-. The opposite of this (electron loss) would be called oxidation, or ionization.

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Q: What is the process of electron gain called?
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What is the gain of an electron called?


The gain of electrons by an element is called what?

The loss of an electron is called oxidation. Its opposite is reduction.The loss of an electron increases the charge by +1.

Does electron affinity gain electrons?

Yes. Electron affinity is the process by which a neutral atom gains an electron and the EA is the measure of energy released. The resulting ion will be negative.

What is Removing an electron from an atom called?

The process of removing an electron from something is called either oxidation or ionization. Ionization is the process of converting an atom or molecule by changing the number of electrons. In certain chemical reactions, the oxidation state of an atom or molecule is changed, and this is known as oxidation. See more details in the Web Links to the left of this answer.

What is the difference between electron affinity and electron gain enthalpy?

electron affinity is the negative of electron gain enthalpy. for example, the electron gain enthalpy of fluorine is -328, and electron affinity is 328 which is -(-328)

Why is electron gain enthalpy of inert gases positive?

Inert gases are the most stable ones, so if we try to add another electron, the stable electronic configuration is disturbed. So, we have supply energy for this process. Hence, electron gain enthalpy is positive.

What is the relationship between atom and element?

They use a force called bonding where they either gain or lose an electron.

When a atom gain or looses a valence electron it become a charged particle called an?

When an atom gains or looses a valence electron it becomes a charged particle called an ion

Why some atom lose electron and some gain electron?

Atom lose electron to form positive ion and some gain electron to form negative ion.

In what type of nuclear decay does an element lose a neutron and emit an electron and gain a proton?

This type of decay is called β- (beta minus) decay. A link is provided to a related question with a descriptive answer that details the process.

To become a negative ion does an atom lose or gain electron?

The atom needs to gain an electron so it has more than the protons Hope I helped

Which process is called as- Energy releasing metabolic process in which substrate is oxidised without an external electron acceptor?
