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Dry ice is CO2. Molar mass CO2 = 44 g/mole. 1 lb is approx. 454 g thus this = 454 g x 1 mol/44 g = 10.3 moles of CO2. At STP, 10.3 moles x 22.4 L/mole = 231 liters.

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The volume is 229,43 L.

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Q: What is the volume of gas 1 pound of dry ice will expand to as it sublimates?
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What contributes to how fast dry ice will sublimates?

Dry ice is extremly conductive to temperature

Dry ice melts in water?

yes EDIT: No. It sublimates.

Why does dry ice sublimate so fast in water?

Dry ice sublimates quickly in water because water is both relatively dense and has a high specific heat, which means that a relatively small volume of it can transfer a larger amount of heat.

Is dry ice deadly?

Potentially, yes it is. Dry ice sublimates to form carbon dioxide gas, which is toxic.

What affects how fast a piece of dry ice sublimates?

it can sublimate faster in hot water

Does dry wood expand?

No wood does not expand when its dry

What temperature does dry ice melt?

Dry ice doesn't melt. It sublimates at -78 0C, or -109 0F. Sublimation is a direct transition from a solid to a gas, skipping the liquid phase.

What happens to dry ice on a hot summer day?

It sublimates, meaning it goes directly from a gas to a solid.

Is sublimation the way a balloon decreases in volume when the temperature is decreased?

No. Sublimation is when a solid changes it's state to a gas or when a gas changes it's state to a solid. Example : Dry ice (solid CO2) sublimates to gaseous CO2.

Dry pints per one pound?

Once again, no conversion is possible, because a dry pintis a unit of volume -- space -- whereas a pound is a unit of weight. A dry pint of wheat will not weigh as much as a dry pint of, say, iron filings.

Why dry ice is known as dry ice?

Solid carbon dioxide has the look and feel of ice (and is even colder). But it does not melt to a liquid, but sublimates to form a gas. So it is always dry.

Is Dry ice solid liquid gas plasma?

It is usually a solid, which sublimates at room temperature to form a gas.