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They call it "heavy water" or deuterium oxide.

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Q: What is water that contains hydrogen 2 in atom instead of hydrogoen 1 is called?
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Water that contains hydrogen 2 atoms instead of hydrogen 1 atoms is called?

Water that contains hydrogen-2 instead of hydrogen-1 is called heavy water.

Water that contains hydrogen 2 atoms instead of hydrogen 1?

it is called heavy water

A molecule that contains only carbon and hydrogen is called a what?

A hydrocarbon.

What molecule that contains only carbon and hydrogen is called?

A hydrocarbon.

What is a compound that only contains carbon and hydrogen?

it is called an Organic compound

How many atoms of of oxygen does hydrogen phosphide have?

None. Hydrogen phosphide, more commonly called phosphine, contains only hydrogen and phosphorus.

How do istopes hydrogen -2 and hydrogen -3 differ?

The hydrogen-2 isotope, sometimes called "deuterium", contains one proton and one neutron in the nucleus of the atom, instead of having only one proton. THis makes it heavier than normal, and is sometimes called "heavy hydrogen". The hydrogen-3 isotope, called "tritium", has one proton and TWO neutrons, and is somewhat radioactive. Tritium has a half-life of 12.3 years, and decays into helium-3.

. A molecule that contains only carbon and hydrogen is called a .?

A hydrocarbon.

What molecule only contains carbon and hydrogen?

Methane is one. Molecules that contain only carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons.

What molecule only contains only carbon and hydrogen is called?

A hydrocarbon-apex

What is the chemical chain that contains carbon hydrogen and oxygen atoms?

It is called a fatty acid.

How many hydrogen atoms are in one molecule of sodium hydrogen?

There is no chemical called sodium hydrogen. You may be thinking of sodium hydroxide, NaOH. It contains one atom of hydrogen per molecule.