

What kind of alcohol is in sake?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Sake is made from rice alcohol.

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Q: What kind of alcohol is in sake?
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Is the Japanese sake halal or haram?

Yes, Japanese sake is haram because it is alcohol and it intoxicates you.

Can sake make you drunk and how?

Of course Sake can make one drunk. Why/how? Because it is an ALCOHOL CONTAINING beverage.

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No. It is an alcohol made from fermented rice.

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For gawds sake, don't drink this !!! It will kill YOU!!Consult a doctor. Rubbing alcohol is for external use only. Do not drink it!!

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Drink for drink, tequila, since it has 40% alcohol and sake only has around 15%.

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Ethanol (ethyl alcohol).

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Ethyl alcohol, also called Ethanol

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All alcoholic drinks contain the same kind of alcohol: ethanol (C6H5OH). It is the amount of alcohol in the drink that matters, not what kind of drink.

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It all depends on which has a higher alcohol prof. The proof tells you how much alcohol per serving youre actually consuming. The higher the proof the higher the concentration of alcohol.

What is metabolites in alcohol?

Matabolites are produced by your liver to process alcohol (ETOH, is the kind of alcohol humans drink) out of your body.