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Q: What particles run through circuits attached to a battery?
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Related questions

Does closed circuits work?

Closed circuits work, they have all the wires connecting from the battery, the switch and the lightbulb that is needed for the electrical current to flow through the battery through the closed switch into the light bulb and back into the battery. Therefore it works.

What travels through a circuit to get energy?

In circuits electrons are the charged particles that move through the wires and bulbs.

In automotive electrical circuits current is considered to flow from where to where?

In an automotive electrical circuit, current is considered to flow from negative to positive in that circuit. Electrons leave the negative terminal of the battery, flow through any complete circuits, and return to the positive terminal of the battery.

What are full circuits?

Full circuits are basically closed circuits, meaning that it allows electricity to pass through the circuit.

Why are the cables attached to the pylons with the glass connectors rather than metal ones?

Glass is an insulator and will not allow a current to flow through it. With metal, which conducts electricity, the current would flow through them to the towers and cause short circuits,

What is the current flowing through a 12volt battery that has 3ohm resistor that is attached to a dc circuit?

I=v/r, then 12/30=4/10=0.4amp

Do batteries give off electrons to circuits?

When any conducting material is connected to provide a continuous path between the two terminals of a battery, electric current flows through it. On the microscopic level, electric current is really the flow of electrons, from the battery's negative terminal, through the conducting path, to its positive terminal.

What type of paths or circuits does electricity move through?

closed circuits. hope this helps :D

How does parallel circuits work?

A parallel circuit has more than one resistor (anything that uses electricity to do work) and gets its name from having multiple (parallel) paths to move along . Charges can move through any of several paths. If one of the items in the circuit is broken then no charge will move through that path, but other paths will continue to have charges flow through them. Parallel circuits are found in most household electrical wiring. This is done so that lights don't stop working just because you turned your TV off.

What happens when a bulb is attached to a battery?

When a bulb is attached to a battery or a cell as scientists call it, the bulb glows. If you want a bulb to glow more and more brighter, it depends on how many batteries you attached to the bulb. If you attach a lot of batteries at the same time, the bulb might even explode or burn out. The wires that hold the interaction between a light bulb and the battery is electricity. The electricity flows through the wires and touches the bulb and that is how a light bulb glows.

What does electricity energy typically travel through?


In a suspension can particles be seen through a microscope?

suspension particles can be seen through a microscope