

What series contain manmade elements?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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technetium (Tc), 43
promethium (Pm), 61
neptunium (Np), 93
plutonium (Pu), 94
americium (Am), 95
curium (Cm), 96
berkelium (Bk), 97
californium (Cf), 98
einsteinium (Es), 99
fermium (Fm), 100
mendelevium (Md), 101
nobelium (No), 102
lawrencium (Lr), 103
rutherfordium (Rf), 104
dubnium (Db), 105
seaborgium (Sg), 106
bohrium (Bh), 107
hassium (Hs), 108
meitnerium (Mt), 109
darmstadtium (Ds), 110
roentgenium (Rg), 111
copernicium (Cn), 112
I got this off of a website, it goes in this order: Name, symbol, and Atomic Mass.

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