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Sugars belong to carbohydrates.They are ketones or aldehydes.

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Q: What set of functional groups are always found in sugars?
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What two functional groups are found in monosaccharides?

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Hydroxyl groups are found in all monosaccharides along with a carbonxyl on the first or second carbon.

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What are the two function groups found in every amino acid?

Amino acids have 2 functional groups, an a-carboxyl group and an-amino group.

What functional group are always found in amino acids?

an amino and a carboxyl group

What functional group is found in ATP?

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What is the important functional group?

Functional groups help to determine how the molecule reacts. For instance, if a carbon chain has a large number of methyl groups, then you would know that the molecule would be hydrophobic and found in a hydrophobic environment. On the other hand, if a carbon chain had a carboxyl group, then it would be found in a hydrophilic environment and would make the solution acidic. In addition to determine what kind of solutions they would be found in, functional groups indicate what the molecule will react with and what it will bind to.

Is Methyl the functional group that is commonly found in alcohols?

No, methyl is not a functional group commonly found in alcohols. The functional group that is commonly found in alcohols is the hydroxyl group (-OH). Methyl, on the other hand, is a functional group commonly found in compounds called methyl groups (-CH3).