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Q: What transport forms of sugars are commonly made by linking two together to form a disaccharide?
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What by-product was produced when you linked the two glucose molecules together?

You get a Maltose molecules when linking two glucose molecules. You get sucrose when linking a glucose and a fructose molecule together.

Which of the foolowing carbohydrate is not a polysaccharide Glycogen Amylose Amylopectin Isomaltose Cellulose?

It is isomaltose.Isomaltose is a disaccharide not a polysaccharide.If you think about it, maltose is a disaccharide and isomaltose contains the word maltose, so if I was given this question and didn't know what isomaltose was, just try linking it to other basic information you already know! :)

What does a linking word mean?

A linking word connects ideas or pieces of information within a sentence or text. Linking words help to show relationships between different parts of a sentence or paragraph, making the writing clearer and more coherent. Examples of linking words include "and," "but," "however," "therefore," and "in addition."

What are the cross-linking fixatives?

Cross-linking fixatives are types of fixatives that are used to quickly halt enzymatic degradation. Formaldehyde, osmium tetroxide, and glutaraldehyde are the most commonly used cross-linking fixatives.

What are reasonable for linking amino acids together?

ribosomes :)

How is linking done?

You attach two thngs together

What is identifying linking verb?

Well, a linking verb is a verb that brings two parts of a sentence together without providing an action. 'Is,' 'are,' and other iterations of the verb to be are all linking verbs. Identifying a linking verb would be finding and pointing out a linking verb.

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DNA Polymerases

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Proteins are made by linking what together with peptide bonds?

Amino Acids.

By linking specific facts together to create meaning is called?

a theory