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Q: When concentration of two solutions is the same?
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Concentration because solutions that are the same and temperature wise as well theoretically will have the same concentration

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If one solution has twice as much solvent, but has the same concentration then it also has twice as much insolvent.

Describe two solutions that have the same concentration of solutes relative to one another?

isotonic or isoosmotic

What is concentraion gradient?

The difference in concentration of two solutions.

What is diffussion and osmosis?

The difference between diffusion and osmosis is that diffusion is the passive movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration down the concentration gradient. Particles will continue to move until dynamic equilibrium is reached, which is a state where the particles are evenly spread.Osmosis is the movement of water from a hypotonic solution (solution with less concentration) to a hypertonic solution (solution with a greater concentration of solute). Water will move to even the concentration of the two solutions to establish a state where both solutions are isotonic. ( two solutions have the same concentration).

What are the types of isotonic solution?

is0tonic solutions are those solutions that have the same concentration with the body fluid.

Is it important for the concentration of the reactant solutions to be equal?

Yes. The volume you have of a particular solution does not have anything to do with the concentration of that solution.

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When the concentration on molecules on both sides on the membrane the molecules will?

Osmosis only occurs when the concentration of solutions are different when separated by a membrane. If both solutions are of the same concentration, Osmosis will not occur, so there will be no change.

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What does it mean when two solutions are isotonic?

When two solutions are isotonic it means that they have an equal amount of solute concentration. This state is referred to as dynamic equilibrium.