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There are several good places where a person can place a room thermometer so it will give an accurate reading. A person should place it in the middle of the room in the center of their home. Also, make sure it isn't near a window, door or heater, all which can affect the reading.

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Q: Where would a good place be to place a room thermometer so that it will get an accurate reading?
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Why is it inappropriate to stir a liquid with a thermometer?

Because that will mess with the temperature reading on the thermometer. And it would be dangerous if the thermometer is broken as there are dangerous chemicals (i.e.mercury) inside.

Why clinical thermometer is placed under tongue or armpit?

so that the air from breathing does not pass over it and cool it thereby giving an incorrect readingTo give a true reading of inner body heat.Because the intense heat of our body is present under our tongue so that we can measure our whole body temperature .The underside of the tongue has the most bloodflow and is more accurate than any part of the mouth

Why is the entire mercury bulb of the thermometer must be below the level of the side arm in order to obtain an accurate reading of the distillation?

The boiling point of the distillate is normally the temperature of the vapour. If the bulb of the thermometer is placed too high, above the sidearm leading to the condeser, the entire bulb will not be heated up by the vapour of the distillate, and the temperature will be too low. however, if the bulb of the thermometer is placed too low, too near to the surface of the boiling water, the thermometer will show a too-high reading.Thus, the bulb of the thermometer should be placed at the sidearm or just below the sidearm in order to obtain an accurate reading of the distillation. Source:

What happens to the temperature of a substance that is an endothermic reaction?

It will decrease as heat is removed from the environment and added to the products of the reaction.

Effect on thermometer reading if the thermometer is removed from the liquid when thermometer is being read?

It would depend on a contingency of variables. Being, how hot is the substance that it is being removed from, the temperature of the room, how long it takes from the time removed from the liquid until it is read, and the type of thermometer reading device.

Related questions

What is the correct place to put a thermometer?

You put the thermometer in what you want to get the temperature from. If you want to measure body temperature, the rectum would be the best way to get an accurate reading with an old school thermometer. There are however new thermometers which are as effective in an ear.

Why do they measure temperature in the shade?

Direct sunlight would heat the thermometer higher than the actual air temperature. A reading would be more accurate if taken in the shade, where the temperature reading would not be greatly different.

How would a temperature reading would be different if the thermometer were over unshaded asphalt?

how would a temperature reading be different if the thermometer were over unshaded asphalt

Which thermometer is best for baby?

A digital thermometer is less 'intrusive' - as you don't need to hold it in place for any length of time (as you would with a mercury thermometer). Digital ones give you an almost instant reading.

If I do not own a chocolate thermometer, would I be able to use any food thermometer?

Yes you can use any food thermometer. However you have to be careful that after measuring the temperature of the chocolate, you clean all solidified chocolate residue from the thermometer. This will make sure that you are getting an accurate temperature reading as well as not mixing different food stuffs together.

Why is it inappropriate to stir a liquid with a thermometer?

Because that will mess with the temperature reading on the thermometer. And it would be dangerous if the thermometer is broken as there are dangerous chemicals (i.e.mercury) inside.

What are examples of empire?

An example of empirical evidence would be, reading a thermometer. No matter who observes it the thermometer still displays the same temperture.

What are examples of empirical evidence?

An example of empirical evidence would be, reading a thermometer. No matter who observes it the thermometer still displays the same temperture.

Can the temperature be measured by keeping the thermometer at some place other than the mouth?

You can take a temperature by placing the thermometer in the armpit, when you get the reading add a degree and that is the temp you would have gotten if you had done it orally. 98.6 is the normal human temp but we all very slightly.

Do I need a special chocolate thermometer or can I use my regular candy thermometer?

A regular candy thermometer can be used to measure the temperature of chocolate. The truth is you would be better off using a chocolate thermometer because it may be a little more accurate.

Why would the alcohol thermometer need to be contained in a shelter?

If the thermometer had direct sunlught on it, it would give a false reading because it would be directly heated by the sun's energy in the rays. The idea of temperature measurement is to measure the temperarure of the immediate medium in which the thermometer is placed. The shelter provides this environment. For accurate internationally acceptable readings the shelter has to conform to specific dimensions and design criteria, as well as a certain height above the ground. Direct sunlight could also cause the thermometer to burst, depending on the maximum temperature scale on the instrument.

Why clinical thermometer is placed under tongue or armpit?

so that the air from breathing does not pass over it and cool it thereby giving an incorrect readingTo give a true reading of inner body heat.Because the intense heat of our body is present under our tongue so that we can measure our whole body temperature .The underside of the tongue has the most bloodflow and is more accurate than any part of the mouth