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There are two different amino acids that only have one codon. Methionine thatâ??s DNA codon is ATG and Tryptophan thatâ??s DNA codon is TGG.

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Q: Which amino acids have only one codon?
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Are amino acids only represented by one codon?

No. Amino acids are not always represented by only one codon. Several may code for one amino acid.

There can only be one what for every codon?

There can only be one amino acid for every codon. Tryptophan and Methionine are the types of amino acids that correspond to codon.

What amino acid is represented by only one codon?

There are two amino acids that only correspond to one codon:Tryptophan whose codon is UGGMethionine whose codon is AUG

All amino acids are specified by only one codon?

No. Some are specified by only one codon eg. methionine and tryptophan. But some have more than one codon eg. threonine.

How many amino acids does a codon contain?

One amino acid per codon!

What are the amino acids on the codon table?

Each codon codes for only one amino acid, or a codon is a start or stop codon, but no codon codes for more than one amino acid.

How many amino acids make a codon?

One codon specifies a specific amino acid. However, more than one codon can code for the same amino acid. For example, the codon GUU codes for the specific amino acid valine; and the codons GUC, GUA, and GUG also code for valine.

What are 2 amino acids that are represented by only one codon?

Tryptophan (TRP) and Methionine (MET).

What two amino acids are represented with only one codon?

They are triptopan and methionine.Codons are UGG and AUG respectively.

Are amino acid that are represented by one codon?

yes, but there are amino acids can be represented by many codons.

How many amino acids does each condon code for?

No they are not. For a codon, there are 4^3 = 64 codon combinations, but only 20 [common] amino acids. The 4 represents the 4 nitrogenous bases, and the ^3 represents the arrangement into a codon (3 bp). An example of an amino acid that is specified by more than one amino acid is Alanine, which is specified by any of the following combinations: GUU, GUC, GUA, GUG. Because most amino acids have more than one codon, the genetic code is called "degenerate".

Is it impossible for an amino acid to be specified by more than one codon?

No. On the contrary, most amino acids are specified by more than one codon. Click on the related link to see a table of amino acids and their codons from the Algorithmic Arts website.