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Q: Which chemical can be used as whitening agent other than titanium dioxide?
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What does titanium dioxide make?

Titanium Dioxide makes a variety of products ranging from food to makeup to industrial coatings and paint. There is a food grade and industrial grade. It is used in toothpaste as a whitening agent.

Is Titanium Dioxide healthy for you?

No. But it's not particularly harmful either. It's a coloring agent, used to color food and cosmetic products white.

Why is titanium dioxide used?

titanium dioxide (TiO2 ), is a white compound that is used as a pigment and as a sunscreen agent. It has a high refractive index so it finds uses in filters where films of TiO2 are alternated with films of say silica, SiO2 which has a low refractive index.

What is another name for whitening agent?


How titanium dioxide crystals on noxer block catalyse oxidation reaction that remove NOx from the atmosphere?

Titanium dioxide absorbs the radiation which is given off from the sun. This excites the electrons in titanium dioxide to a higher energy level. The high energy electron from titanium dioxide reacts with oxygen to produce a superdioxide ion on the surface of the titanium dioxide crystals; O2 +e- O2- Water also reacts with the oxide to produce a hydrogen, hydroxyl radical and an electron which is given back to the titanium dioxide; H2O + O2 H+ + OH + e- "The overall reaction is therefore; H2O + O2 H+ + O2- + OH" The hydroxyl radical formed can then oxidise nitrogen dioxide to nitrate ions because it is a very powerful oxidising agent; NO2 + OH H+ + NO3- More of the nitrogen gases can be rendered as the superoxide produced on the surface of titanium oxide can be used to convert nitrogen monoxide into nitrate ions; NO + O2- NO3- Titanium dioxide absorbs the radiation which is given off from the sun. This excites the electrons in titanium dioxide to a higher energy level. The high energy electron from titanium dioxide reacts with oxygen to produce a superdioxide ion on the surface of the titanium dioxide crystals; O2 +e- O2- Water also reacts with the oxide to produce a hydrogen, hydroxyl radical and an electron which is given back to the titanium dioxide; H2O + O2 H+ + OH + e- "The overall reaction is therefore; H2O + O2 H+ + O2- + OH" The hydroxyl radical formed can then oxidise nitrogen dioxide to nitrate ions because it is a very powerful oxidising agent; NO2 + OH H+ + NO3- More of the nitrogen gases can be rendered as the superoxide produced on the surface of titanium oxide can be used to convert nitrogen monoxide into nitrate ions; NO + O2- NO3-

What is the whitening agent in fresh milk?

Soluble fats and casein.

Chemical formula bleach?

Bleach is a mixture of water and sodium hypochlorite, and is commonly used as a disinfectant or 'bleaching agent', or removing color and whitening. The chemical formula for Sodium Hypochlorite is NaClO.

What are the uses of whitening agent in textile product?

To whiten the textile product.

Where are the titanium bolts on secret agent clank?


Is ingredient titanium dioxide in food supplement harmful to health?

Yes and no depending on whether it is inhaled or ingested. Titanium dioxide is a cancer causing agent as listed by the CDC bu only when inhaled. The World Health Organization in their review of titanium dioxide concluded that titanium dioxide is not carcinogenic when ingested. This is similar to coal dust, flour dust etc where inhalation interferes with the uptake of oxygen into the blood stream.Titanium dioxide is completely inert when ingested and is not harmful to health.*******************************************************************Other experts disagree with the above opinion, however. For example, Dr. Michael Greger at says that titanium dioxide (artificial color) should be avoided because it might increase inflammation due to bacterial endotoxins: and a few other vitamin supplement sellers have banned all products that contain titanium dioxide from their inventories of products.

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physically removes the chemical agent absorbs the chemical agent neutralizes the chemical agent

What is the reducing agent in burning magnesium ribbon in carbon dioxide equation?

Carbon dioxide is the reducing agent.