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Q: Which coefficients correctly balance the formula equation CaO plus H2O CaOH2?
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When the formula equation is correctly balanced the coefficient?

When all the coefficients and formulas are correctly writed; and the law of mass conservation must be respected.

Subscripts can be changed in order to balance a chemical equation.?


What do coefficients in a chemical equation represent?

Coefficients in a chemical equation represent the number of units of the formula immediately following the coefficient that are involved in the balanced equation for the reaction.

What information about a chemical reaction is derived from the coefficients in a balanced equation?

Coefficients are used to represent multiple molecules of formula units.

How can you balance a chemical equation using coefficients?

Co-efficients are written in a chemical equation to balance the equation. this is due to the conservation of mass seeing how we can't make substances out of nothing. For Example. NaOH + H2SO4 --> Na2SO4 + H2O As you can see on the left side, there is only one Na (sodium) atom, but on the right hand side we have 2. meaning that an extra sodium atom appeared from no where and this VIOLATES the conservation of mass. so we must balance is 2NaOH+H2SO4 --> Na2SO4 + 2H2O There are 2 Na on both sides There is 1 sulfur (s) on both sides there is 4 H on both sides and 6 oxygen on both sides. Hope this helps :D

What are the steps for the quadratic formula?

Put the quadratic equation into standard form; identify the coefficients (a, b, c), replace them in the equation, do the calculations.

What is the discriminant for this equation 4x2-3x-8 equals 0?

The coefficients are a = 4, b = -3, c = -8. The discriminant is calculated with the formula b2 - 4ac, so just replace the coefficients in this formula.

The coeficients in a chemical equation indicate?

The coefficients in front indicate the number of actual molecules in the entire formula. This shows a balanced chemical equation.

What is written in front of the formula used to balance chemical equations?

A coefficient is written in front of a formula to balance a chemical equation.

What is the number to the left to a chemical formula?

Balancing a chemical equation can often require a whole-number coefficient placed in front of a chemical formula. This upholds the Law of Conservation of Matter, which says that matter cannot be created or destroyed. These coefficients must be in the lowest possible ratio.

What is a balanced chemical equation why should the chemical equation be balanced?

A balanced chemical equation is when both the products and the reactants are balanced, or have the same number of atoms on each side of the equation. For example: 2H20 --> 2H2 + O2 This means there are 2 water molecules as the reactants (before reaction) and 4 hydrogen and 2 oxygen atoms as the products (after reaction). Technically the equation wouldn't work in real life if it weren't correctly balanced.