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Concentrated sulfuric acid cannot be used to dry alkaline gases, most notably ammonia.

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3mo ago

Hydrofluoric acid and perchloric acid cannot be dried over sulfuric acid as they can react violently with it.

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Q: Which gases cannot be dried over H2SO4?
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Can you make white paint become black?

No, you cannot change the color of white paint to black. Once the paint is dried, its color is set and cannot be altered without painting over it with black paint.

Why do you add H2SO4 instead of HCL in redox titration?

H2SO4 is preferred over HCl in redox titrations because HCl can release Cl2 gas during the reaction, which can interfere with the titration results. H2SO4 provides the necessary acidic conditions for the redox reaction without introducing additional complications.

How many moles of excess sulfuric acid are left over after the reaction is complete 2 nh3 aq plus h2so4 aq nh4 2so4 aq?

To determine the moles of excess sulfuric acid left over after the reaction is complete, you need to compare the stoichiometry of the reactants. In this case, 2 moles of NH3 reacts with 1 mole of H2SO4. If you know the initial moles of NH3 and H2SO4 used in the reaction, you can calculate which one is in excess and how many moles of the excess reactant are left over.

Can an electroscope precipitator remove the polluting gases from the exhaust that is created when coal is burned?

An electroscope precipitator can help remove particulate matter (such as soot and ash) from exhaust gases but is not effective in removing polluting gases like carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide. For removing these gases, scrubbers or other specific gas treatment technologies are more appropriate.

Can you un-dry glue?

Once glue has dried, it cannot be simply rehydrated to return to its original consistency. You would need to apply a solvent or adhesive remover to soften and break down the dried glue for removal. Note that this may not completely restore the glue's original properties.

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Can you make white paint become black?

No, you cannot change the color of white paint to black. Once the paint is dried, its color is set and cannot be altered without painting over it with black paint.

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An advantage of freeze-dried foods is that they are lightweight.

Why do you add H2SO4 instead of HCL in redox titration?

H2SO4 is preferred over HCl in redox titrations because HCl can release Cl2 gas during the reaction, which can interfere with the titration results. H2SO4 provides the necessary acidic conditions for the redox reaction without introducing additional complications.

What is one advantage that freeze-dried foods have one over frozen food?

An advantage of freeze-dried foods is that they are lightweight.

What is a herring dried over smoke called?

nac nac

Is it normal to get brown discharge after your period is over?

Yes. It's just dried blood left over.

Are the Mummy's organs dried?

A mummy is the body of a person dried with natron salt. Before being laid in the sarcophagus the organs are removed. They are place in canopic jars. The organs are not dried originally but dry over time.

How many moles of excess sulfuric acid are left over after the reaction is complete 2 nh3 aq plus h2so4 aq nh4 2so4 aq?

To determine the moles of excess sulfuric acid left over after the reaction is complete, you need to compare the stoichiometry of the reactants. In this case, 2 moles of NH3 reacts with 1 mole of H2SO4. If you know the initial moles of NH3 and H2SO4 used in the reaction, you can calculate which one is in excess and how many moles of the excess reactant are left over.

Can an electroscope precipitator remove the polluting gases from the exhaust that is created when coal is burned?

An electroscope precipitator can help remove particulate matter (such as soot and ash) from exhaust gases but is not effective in removing polluting gases like carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide. For removing these gases, scrubbers or other specific gas treatment technologies are more appropriate.

What exactly is amber?

Tree sap that has dried and hardened over millions of years.