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The grouping Al, Mg, and Li contains only representative elements. Al is aluminum, Mg is magnesium, and Li is the element Lithium.

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Q: Which group contains only representative elements?
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Which family of elements only contains one nonmetal element?

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What are two elements in group VIIA of the periodic table?

That's not a very valid question becase you could argue that all the elements in that particular group are important. There are at least 4 common ones there, which are carbon, silicon, lead, and tin.

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These groups are groups 3 to 12 (transition metals) containing each four chemical elements.

The group of elements that contains only alkaline earth metals is A 2 B 15 C 17 D 18?


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Group 3a (13) on the periodic table contains boron which is considered a metalloid. The other elements in the group are post-transition metals.

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S orbital contains only 2 electrons and not elements.

What group on the periodic table contains only no metals?

Group 17 and 18 does not contain any metal.Group 17 belongs to halogens and group 18 belongs to noble gases.All the elements are non metals.