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The number of Electrons is always the same as the number of Protons.

The number of Protons is the "Atomic Number" in the Periodic Table.

The element with Atomic Number 7 is Nitrogen (N).

Nitrogen is at the top of Group 15 in the Periodic Table.

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Halogen group

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Q: Which group element contains seven electron?
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How can i look at the periodic table and tell how many valence electrons an element has?

The group of the element indicates the amount of valence electrons. For example, the alkali metals have one valence electron and is in group one whilst the halogens have seven valence electrons and are in group seven.

Which electron has seven valence electrons?

Any element in the halogen group will have seven valence electrons. These elements include fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine.

What element contains seven protons?

The element with atom number seven: NitrogenNitrogen

Which element contains seven protons?

Nitrogen has 7 protons.

What is the least reactive element in group6?

Group seven is known as the halogen group. The least reactive element in group seven is astatine. Fluorine is the most reactive.

How many electron energy shells are in roegenium?

It's predicted that this element will be shown to have seven. Please see the link.

How many outer shell electron does an atom of an element belonging to the halogen family have?

This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a periodic table.

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This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a periodic table.

How many valence electron does chlorine?

The element chlorine has seven electrons in its valence shell.

How many valence electrons does chlorine have?

The element chlorine has seven electrons in its valence shell.

How many electrons are in the valence shell of francium?

Francium has one valence electron, its atomic no is 87 and it belong to Ist group of periodic table.

What happen when a chlorine atom gains an electron in its outer energy shell?

chlorine is a group seven element with outmost energy level lacking only one electron, thus is not stable. when it gains this electron, it gets an octet electron structure(8 e in the vallency shell) this makes it very stable in the enviroment; the reason why chlorine molecule exists due to its stable atoms but chlorine atom does not exist in nature