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True, non-metals would gain electrons to form anions with a negative charge.

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gain electrons

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All metals can do so.

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Q: Which group of elements tend to give up electrons and become positive?
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Elements in Group 1 become more stable by what an electron?

Elements in group two become more stable as they all have complete electron shell.They do not have valence electrons and hence they are less reactive.Some of the elements of group 2 are Barium,Magnesium and Calcium

How many valence electrons do the elements is group two have?

Group II elements (also called alkaline earth metals), have two valence electrons. To fill their outer shell, they therefore become ions with two positive charges, such as magnesium: Mg -> 2e- + Mg2+

Why is it easier for group 14 elements in the periodic table to become stable instead of transferring electrons?

Group-14 elements do not transfer electrons. They share electrons to form covalent bonds.

Do elements in group 2A gain or loose electrons when they become ions?

Lose 2Alkaline-earth metals have 2 outer shell electrons. All atoms "want" eight. They will achieve a full outer shell by losing or gaining the least number of electrons. Since group 2A elements have two valence electrons, they would either have to gain 6 electrons or lose 2. It is easier to lose 2.

How do ions become positive?

Positive ions form when an atom or group of atoms loses one or more electrons.

Which group of element take in electrons and what do they become?

Group 17 and group 16 elements will take one and two electrons respectively to form mono negative and dinegative anions.

Does group 2 on the periodic table gain or lose electrons?

they will lose electron to form mono positive cation

What is the number of valence electrons for group 2 elements?

Group 2 metals have 2 valence electrons. In fact, the number of valence electrons of elements can be deduced from the group number (e.g. group VII elements have 7 valence electrons).

Does group 2A elements lose or gain protons or electrons?

Group 2A elements tend to GAIN electrons!!

What does the group of A elements tell about valence electrons?

All elements in the same A group will have the same number of valence electrons.

Elements in a group have-?

Elements in group have same number of valence electrons. They also have same chemical properties.

How many unpaired electrons are there in an element in group 3A?

In group 3A elements, or elements in group 13, have only one unpaired electrons.