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Copper is one example. There are several different types of copper so the name gives it away rather than needing to have the ions present.

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Q: Which metal is not required to have its charge specified in the names of ionic compounds it forms?
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What metal does not require its charge oxidation number specified in the names of ionic compounds it forms?


What is the charge on the monatomic ion that calcium forms in its compounds?

Calcium forms a 2+ ion.

Magnesium symbol w ionic charge mg?

Mg, magnesium forms compounds containing Mg2+ ion.

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No element on its own has a charge. However, in all of its compounds sodium forms a positive ion.

Ionic charge of chlorine?

Chlorine always forms ions of charge -1. However in its compounds, it also shows oxidation states of +1,+3,+5 and +7.

What are the two types of binary compounds?

Type 1 binary ionic compounds are those in which the cation has only one form, or charge. Type 2 binary ionic compounds are those in which the cation can have multiple forms.

What charge does bromine form in compounds?

The charge that bromine forms in compounds is -1. This is because it is a type of halogen that takes electrons to fill its outer shell.

What is the between formulae and formula?

CaO. Calcium forms a +2 charge, and oxygen a -2 charge. They bond in a 1:1 ratio because ionic compounds combine in lowest terms.

Which element forms max. no. of compounds?

Carbon is the element that forms maximum number of compounds

What is in iodin that makes thines blue?

Its the electrons! Iodine forms a "charge transfer" complex with starch which is ythebest known of its charge transfer complexes. It also forms charge transfer compexes with other compounds which are not blue. In iodine the charge transfer occurs because of an electonic transition (that causes the color), this causes a small amount of charge to move from the iodine molecule to the starch.

Why ch2cl2 forms many compounds?

The chlorine can be replaced in this case, and hence it forms various compounds.

What is the charge of an element when it forms a compound?

The charge on individual ions when they form compounds is decreased or increased depending on if the ion needed or had too many electrons. I think....think that is the answer, so, get back to your textbook :)