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This depends on the temperature.

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Q: Which phase of a substance can exist when the pressure is less than the pressure of the triple point?
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What is the point where pressure and temperature are just right for all three phases to exist at once on the phase diagram called?

This point is call the "triple point" and this is where all three lines meet together on the phase diagram.

How does sublimation work in science?

Sublimation is the process of a solid to gas without being turned into a liquid. One must find a phase diagram of the substance. The triple point where all three phases can mannerly exist. So when one finds point below this, and a pressure and temperature where liquid doesn't exist the solid will become gas.

What is the the triple point on a phase diagram?

The triple point of a phase diagram is the location where the solid, liquid, and gas phases meet; it is the temperature and pressure at which a given substance can assume any of the 3 usual phases of matter.

What does a phase diagram show for a substance?

A phase diagram shows if a substance is going to be a solid gas, or liquid at a combination of pressure and temperature. It states what phase of matter a substance is at a specific temperature.

The phase of matter depends on what?

Heat and pressure are the two main factors that determine a substance's current phase.With high heat a substance's phase drifts toward the gaseous phase while freezing temperatures cause it to move toward its solid phase. With pressure it is the opposite. Higher pressures push the substance toward its solid phase, while lower pressures will encourage the substance to evaporate into its gaseous phase.

Related questions

Which three line of a phase diagram intersect and all three states of a substance exist in equilibrium is known as the?

the triple point

What is the point where pressure and temperature are just right for all three phases to exist at once on the phase diagram called?

This point is call the "triple point" and this is where all three lines meet together on the phase diagram.

What causes the particles of a substance to be in one particular phase rather than another?

The phase of a substance is dependent on several things. Most basically, the composition of the substance itself and the strength of the atomic interactions within the substance determine how the other factors will effect it. For example, these interactions determine that water is liquid and steel is solid at room temperature. Substances changing phase depends on the temperature and the pressure exerted on them. The higher the temperature, the closer a substance gets to a gaseous phase. The lower the pressure, the same. This is the reason why water boils at a lower temperature if you are at a significantly higher elevation: there is less pressure. An interesting concept which has cool applications is that of a "triple point." Use Google to find a graphic image, so you can more easily figure out what I am saying. The triple point is the place at which the three phases meet, and each substance has its own triple point at a unique temperature and pressure. Below this point in temperature, pressure, or both, a substance will skip the liquid phase entirely and go directly from a solid to a gas, as in the case of "dry ice."

What do you call the combination of solid liquid and gas?

This only occurs at a specific point on the phase diagram of a substance called the "triple point." This point corresponds to a certain pressure and temperature for an individual substance, since these are the axis values for a phase diagram.

What does a phase diagram provide?

"A phase diagram is a graph of pressure versus temperature that shows in which phase a substance exists under different condition of temperature and pressure" -Glencoe Chemistry Book

How does sublimation work in science?

Sublimation is the process of a solid to gas without being turned into a liquid. One must find a phase diagram of the substance. The triple point where all three phases can mannerly exist. So when one finds point below this, and a pressure and temperature where liquid doesn't exist the solid will become gas.

What is the the triple point on a phase diagram?

The triple point of a phase diagram is the location where the solid, liquid, and gas phases meet; it is the temperature and pressure at which a given substance can assume any of the 3 usual phases of matter.

What does a phase diagram show for a substance?

A phase diagram shows if a substance is going to be a solid gas, or liquid at a combination of pressure and temperature. It states what phase of matter a substance is at a specific temperature.

The phase of matter depends on what?

Heat and pressure are the two main factors that determine a substance's current phase.With high heat a substance's phase drifts toward the gaseous phase while freezing temperatures cause it to move toward its solid phase. With pressure it is the opposite. Higher pressures push the substance toward its solid phase, while lower pressures will encourage the substance to evaporate into its gaseous phase.

What information does a phase diagram give?

The effect of temperature and pressure on the phase of a substance

Is sublimation a phase change?

Sublimationis the process of transition of a substance from the solid phase to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase. Sublimation is an endothermic phase transitionthat occurs at temperatures and pressures below a substance's triple point

On the triple phase diagram what is on the y axis vertical?

the vertical axis is the pressure