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Cl2 has a stronger intermolecular forces, London dispersion forces, as there are more electrons in Cl2 than in F2 It is the electrons that cause the instantaneous dipole-induced dipole interactions, more electrons = more dipoles and more easily induced dipoles = more london forces.

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Q: Which substance f2 or cl2 has the stronger intermolecular forces?
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What intermolecular forces are present in cl2?

London forces are present in chlorine molecules.

Why cl2 is gass and br2 liquid and I2 solid?

NaCl is ionically bonded with stong electrostatic attractions whereas Cl2 only has weak Van Der Waals' forces acting between the molecules More strength is needed to break NaCl's bonds than CL2's bonds. Therefore, NaCl is solid and Cl2 is a gas Hope this helps :)

Is the bonds that cause gaseous Cl2 to become liquid when cool intramolecular or intermolecular?

Intermolecular because intermolecular forces occur between molecules, not within the same molecule. Specifically the forces are London dispersion forces, due to the interaction of instantaneous dipoles.

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Because NH3 has a much larger difference in its electronegativity values than of Cl2. Cl2 have a 0 difference which causes it to have weaker forces of attraction.

What kind of intermolecular force is Cl2?

The intermolecular force in CCl4 is dispersion forces. This occurs when slight variations in electron distribution effect the electron distribution of other molecules. Because CCl4 is non polar, it does not have other intermolecular forces holding the molecules together.

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Why is chlorine a gas at rtp even though the bonding between atoms is strong?

The bulk state of matter (i.e. gas, liquid, solid) is not dependent on the forces operating within that molecule. Although the bonding between two atoms of chlorine in chlorine gas (or dichloride, Cl2) is strong, the interactions between different molecules, known as the intermolecular interactions, are quite weak. It is the intermolecular interactions that determine the boiling point of a substance, and hence it's state at a given temperature. In the case of chlorine gas, the reason it is a gas is simply because it's a relatively light molecule, and so at room temperature the energy provided by the surroundings is enough to break the weak intermolecular interactions that hold it as a liquid.

What has a higher boiling point NaCl or Cl2?

NaCl is an ionic solid with a high boiling point. Cl2 is held together by weak dispersion forces and is a gas at room temperature. That means Cl2 has already boiled and formed a gas at a temperature lower than room temperature.

Why is the boiling point of GeH4 higher than SiH4?

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