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Metals transfers heat faster because its a conduit. which means it allows electricity and heat to travel through it. plastic does not.

This is also the reason why electrical wire is not made from plastic; it is a poor conductor.

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1mo ago

Metal transfers heat faster than water due to its higher thermal conductivity. This means that heat is able to move through metal more efficiently compared to water. Water has a lower thermal conductivity, so it takes longer for heat to transfer through it.

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10y ago

Metal is an excellent conductor of heat. Water is a pretty good insulator, so it does not transfer heat very quickly.

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Q: Which transfers heat faster water or metal?
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What happens to the heat stored in the metal when the metal is poured into the Styrofoam cup of water?

When the metal is poured into the Styrofoam cup of water, the heat stored in the metal is transferred to the water and the cup. This transfer of heat causes the temperature of the water and the cup to increase, as the metal cools down.

Why would water in a metal mug cool down so quickly?

Metal is a good conductor of heat, so when a metal mug with warm water is exposed to a cooler environment, the metal quickly transfers heat away from the water. This rapid heat transfer causes the water to cool down quickly.

Think of a metal spoon in a pot of hot water. How do the particles of the water affect the particles of the spoon?

The particles in the hot water transfer heat to the particles in the metal spoon through conduction. This causes the particles in the metal spoon to gain kinetic energy and vibrate at a faster rate, increasing the temperature of the spoon.

When you boil water in a pot on the stove which heats faster the metal or the water?

The metal pot heats up faster than the water because metals conduct heat more efficiently than water. Heat from the stove is transferred quickly through the metal pot to the water, causing it to heat up.

Does an ice cube melt faster in hot or cold water or by itself?

An ice cube will melt faster in hot water compared to cold water or by itself. The higher temperature of the hot water transfers more heat energy to the ice cube, causing it to melt at a quicker rate.

Related questions

Does metal or plastic transfer heat faster?

When you put metal in water it cools down quick. When you put plastic in the microwave, you're in for a big problem....Plastic is the answer.

What happens to the heat stored in the metal when the metal is poured into the Styrofoam cup of water?

When the metal is poured into the Styrofoam cup of water, the heat stored in the metal is transferred to the water and the cup. This transfer of heat causes the temperature of the water and the cup to increase, as the metal cools down.

Does water freeze faster in plastic or metal?

it would melt faster in a glass container faster.

Why would water in a metal mug cool down so quickly?

Metal is a good conductor of heat, so when a metal mug with warm water is exposed to a cooler environment, the metal quickly transfers heat away from the water. This rapid heat transfer causes the water to cool down quickly.

Think of a metal spoon in a pot of hot water. How do the particles of the water affect the particles of the spoon?

The particles in the hot water transfer heat to the particles in the metal spoon through conduction. This causes the particles in the metal spoon to gain kinetic energy and vibrate at a faster rate, increasing the temperature of the spoon.

Why would hot water in a metal mug cool down more quickly than hot water in a plastic mug?

Metal is a better conductor of heat than plastic, so it transfers heat more efficiently from the hot water to the surroundings, resulting in faster cooling. Plastic, on the other hand, is a poorer conductor of heat, so it retains heat better and slows down the cooling process.

A newspaper and metal lunchbox are sitting in the sun why does the metal lunchbox feel hotter to touch than the newspaper?

The metal lunchbox has a higher conductivity.

Does a tin pan heat water faster than a plastic pan?

Yes, a tin pan will heat water faster than a plastic pan because metal conducts heat more efficiently than plastic. The heat is able to transfer more quickly from the heat source to the water in a tin pan compared to a plastic pan.

When you boil water in a pot on the stove which heats faster the metal or the water?

The metal pot heats up faster than the water because metals conduct heat more efficiently than water. Heat from the stove is transferred quickly through the metal pot to the water, causing it to heat up.

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The metal block will heat faster in oil because oil has a lower specific heat capacity than water. This means it requires less energy to raise the temperature of the oil compared to water.

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What is the advantage of using a metal pan instead of a clay pat for cooking?

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