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The molecules haves secondary types of bondings as 1- Dipole-Dipole interaction, 2- Vander waal's bonding and 3- Hydrogen bonding, depending upon nature of molecules.

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Q: Which type of bonding occurs between molecules and not within molecules?
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Is hydrogen bonding is a type of bonding or not?

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interaction with water, dipole dipole interaction, within the phospholipid itself covalent

Is intramolecular hydrogen bonding strong or inter molecular?

Strong. Not intermolecular, because intramolecular means within a molecule, while intermolecular means between molecules.

Does ionic bonding occur within molecules?

It can, though it is not the only way molecules bond. Some examples are NaCl, MgSO4, and CuCl3.

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What is the type of chemical bond within a water molecule?

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