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The noble gases have completely filled the outer shell of electrons; in the group 17 the situation is different.

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Q: Why are all of the elements in group 18 relatively unreactive Where is those in group 17 are very reactive?
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Except hydrogen, elements in group 1 are very reactive at they can give away their only electron in their valence shell easily to be ionized.

What are elements that don't react rapidly with other elements called?

stable or unreactive elements. and If you are looking for the group, The Noble Gases are the most unreactive group of elements.

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Group 8A, also known as group 18, are very non-reactive. However, they are all gases, not transition metals. Transition metals are the large family of elements in the middle of the table in between groups 2 and 13 (2A and 3A). Group 8A are the noble gases.

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Noble gases (or group 18 elements)

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The elements from the group 12 are not the most reactive chemical elements.

What are the non-reactive and reactive elements in periodic table?

Noble gases (group 18) are the almost nonreactive elements. Group 1 elements are the most reactive metals. Group 17 elements are the most reactive non-metals.

What element will not combine chemically?

As group 2 is a group of quite reactive elements, most elements will react with them. However, as usual the inert gases of Group 0 will not react as they are highly unreactive.

What group of element is the most unreactive?

Zero group elements are least reactive. Its The Noble Gas Family which is helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and the radioactive radon (Rn).

What group of elements on the periodic chart are unreactive?

group 8, the noble gasses.

Is thallium unreactive?

Thallium is not as reactive as the lighter memebers of group 13. It dissolves slowly in acids.

Which group is more reactive on the periodic table group 1 or 2?

Group 1 elements are more reactive than that of group 2 elements.

Where in the periodic table find the the most unreactive elements?

The most unreactive elements, called the noble gases, are found in the group 8 of the period table.