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The reason that orbitals of the same energy level degeneracy is due to similar molecular structure. The orbitals contains electrons that cancel each other out.

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Q: Why are orbitals of the same energy level degenerate?
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What is a degenerate d-orbital?

"Degenerate" in this sense means "indistinguishable" or more specifically "having the same energy." Properly speaking, the word shouldn't be used for a single orbital; it refers to the relationship between two or more orbitals. For example, in an isolated atom, the three p orbitals in a given shell are said to be degenerate, since they all have the same energy level.

All of the orbitals in a subshell have the same energy?

Orbitals having the same first two quantum numbers are degenerate ... they have the same energy ... in the absence of a magnetic field.So all 1s orbitals in a given atom have the same energy, all 3d orbitals in a given atom have the same energy, etc.In a magnetic field, the spin degeneracy is removed, so that "spin up" and "spin down" electrons have different energies, even if they're in the same orbital.

What is the maximum number of spdf in chemistry?

The number of orbitals in electron shells are: One s orbital three p orbitals 5 d orbitals 7 f orbitals every shell has an s orbital, only shells 2 and above have p orbitals, only shells 3 and above have d orbitals only shells 4 and above have f orbitals. Each orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons. Level by level the orbitals 1s (one) 2s, 2p(three) 3s, 3p, 3d (five) 4s, 4p, 4d 4f(seven) In a shell where they are possible, all three p orbitals have the same energy, all 5 d orbitals have the same energy and all seven f orbitals have the same energy. I do not like the idea of saying there is a maximum-- an orbital is a solution to the energy levels in a hydrogen atom. You simply cannot have less than 3 p orbitals for instance.

What is energy of electron when it is closest to the nucleus?

The energy level closest to the nucleus is the 1s orbital and can hold 2 electrons as do all s orbitals. Every electron orbital has a distinct shape and number. The 1s orbital has the same shape the 2s orbital and the 3s orbital and so forth. There are other orbital shapes such as p, d, and f. Regardless of the number or level of the orbital, all p orbitals are the same shape and all d orbitals are the same shape. Orbitals differ in distance from the nucleus and the distance is indicated by the number before the orbital shape.

Why are 2s and 2p orbitals at same energy?

The 2s and2p orbitals are on the same energy because for higher elements more protons in the nucleus and hence electrons go closer to the nucleus and as the distance decreases the magnitude of energy increases.

Related questions

What is degenerating orbitals?

Degenerate orbitals are orbitals which have the same energy in an atom.

What is a degenerate d-orbital?

"Degenerate" in this sense means "indistinguishable" or more specifically "having the same energy." Properly speaking, the word shouldn't be used for a single orbital; it refers to the relationship between two or more orbitals. For example, in an isolated atom, the three p orbitals in a given shell are said to be degenerate, since they all have the same energy level.

What are orbitals with the same energy are said to be?

I suspect the word you're looking for is "degenerate."

What are the meanings of t2g eg levels in crystal field theory?

These are exists in d-orbitals only. "e" refers to doubly degenerate orbitals.It consists of two d-orbitals. "t" refers to triply degenerate levels orbitals. It consists of three d-orbitals. Degenerate means having same energy. They derive from group theory. The "g" tells you that the orbitals are gerade (german for even) - they have the same symmetry with respect to the inversion centre.

Does an electron have the same amount of enery in all orbitals?

All of the orbitals in the same energy sublevel (s, p, d, f) have the same amount of energy. For example, each of the 3p orbitals have the same energy and all of the electrons in the 3p orbitals have the same energy.

If Assuming all orbitals are the same in energy level which type of orbital has the lowest energy?

The s orbital has the lowest energy level.

All of the orbitals in a subshell have the same energy?

Orbitals having the same first two quantum numbers are degenerate ... they have the same energy ... in the absence of a magnetic field.So all 1s orbitals in a given atom have the same energy, all 3d orbitals in a given atom have the same energy, etc.In a magnetic field, the spin degeneracy is removed, so that "spin up" and "spin down" electrons have different energies, even if they're in the same orbital.

How many unpaired electrons does phosphorus have in its 3p sub level?

3. Orbitals are filled one electron at a time, putt ting electrons into the lowest energy orbitals first. When there are degenerate orbitals ( having the same energy e.g. p and d orbitals) they tale one un paired electron each first and then and then any extra electrons are added into a half filled orbital to make a spin pair. P has a configuration of [Ne] 3s2 3p3 and there are only three p orbitals ( at any energy level)

How do p orbitals at the same energy level differ from one another?


Explain the relationship between electrons orbitals and energy levels?

Briefly:The electrons are in orbitals, each orbital can take two electrons and each electron would have an opposite spin. Orbitals can have no electrons, one electron or be filled with two electrons.Orbitals are arranged in energy levels. However, even in the same energy level different orbitals will have different energy despite being in the same main energy level.The energy level nearest the nucleus has 1 orbital: 1sThe next energy level, the second energy level has four orbitals: 2s and three p orbitals. The 2p orbitals have more energy than the 2s orbital. The third energy level has 3s x1; 3p x 3 and 3d x 5 however, the 3d orbitals have an energy which actually places them in the fourth energy level between 4s and 4p. It gets complicated.

Why do electrons form a continuous band in metallic bonding?

The metallic bond is formed of many degenerate (same energy) orbitals, but because of PAuli exclusion principle these are split by small energy differences to form a near continuum of energy levels, a band

What is the maximum number of spdf in chemistry?

The number of orbitals in electron shells are: One s orbital three p orbitals 5 d orbitals 7 f orbitals every shell has an s orbital, only shells 2 and above have p orbitals, only shells 3 and above have d orbitals only shells 4 and above have f orbitals. Each orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons. Level by level the orbitals 1s (one) 2s, 2p(three) 3s, 3p, 3d (five) 4s, 4p, 4d 4f(seven) In a shell where they are possible, all three p orbitals have the same energy, all 5 d orbitals have the same energy and all seven f orbitals have the same energy. I do not like the idea of saying there is a maximum-- an orbital is a solution to the energy levels in a hydrogen atom. You simply cannot have less than 3 p orbitals for instance.