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The ionization enthalpy of K and Cs is less than that of Li and therefore these metals

easily lose electrons on exposure to light than lithium.That's the reason potassium and

cesium are used in photoelectric cells rather than Cs.

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11y ago

Caesium and potassium have low work functions. As a result, when these metals are irradiated with light, the light energy absorbed may be sufficient to make these metals emit electrons (photoelectric effect). This property makes caesium and potassium useful as electrodes in photoelectric cells.

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Q: Why cesium and potassium used in photoelectric effect?
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He wrote a paper that described the photoelectric effect. The paper contained equations used to explain why certain wavelengths of light cause the p-e effect but others do not and the energy changes in the electrons during the p-e effect.

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Caesium (Cesium in American English), one of three metals that is in the liquid form at room temperature is most commonly used in atomic clocks. Historically, the most important use for cesium has been in research and development, primarily in chemical and electrical applications. It is also used in photoelectric cells.

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He wrote a paper that described the photoelectric effect. The paper contained equations used to explain why certain wavelengths of light cause the p-e effect but others do not and the energy changes in the electrons during the p-e effect.

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The element that is used in Cesium. Usually it will come in the form of Cesium 133 because this is the most easily used form.

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What is applications of photoelectric effect in our daily life?

It is in the digital cameras, image sensors, and night vision devices that are widely used in the present world.