

Why did your leaf change color?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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It all starts in the leaf stem. When the leaf is formed it gets it's nutrients through the stem and passes into the leaf in veins. Then late in the year one of natures little miracles occurs. Leaves are found on hardwood trees that can't support a lot of snow so in the fall. the vein in the leaf stem closes off and starves the leaf of moisture and nutrients causing it to dry out, lose it's color and fall off the tree. With the leaves gone, not as much snow accumulates on the branches and the tree survives. So, if you pull a leaf while it is still green once again it can't get the nutrients it needs and it will die. The color it becomes is dependent upon the type of tree and the pigment that is stored inside the leaf.

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The change is leaf color is a chemical change.

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i do not know

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Is a leaf chaning color a physical or chemical change?

Chemical. It has to do with the closing of the part that connects the leaf to the tree and the lack of nutrients causes the leaf to turn colours.

How long does it take for a leaf to change color?

First, the leave grows into a light green color, Then to a dark green, Then to a yellow or orange color, Then to a brown color

Why and when do leaves change color?

leaves change color in the fall (autumn). they change color because the chlorophyll drains out, cell death occurs and that causes the leaves to change color. it is not healthy for a leaf of a deciduous tree to maintain chlorophyll for more than a year. The chlorophyll is something in a leaf that absorbs all of the colors of the rainbow , red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, violet, but not green. The chlorophyll keeps the plant green.

Is autumn leaves changing colors?

yes and the abiotic factors that make them change colors are autumn leaf color-leaf pigments, length of night, and weather

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A varigated leaf is a leaf that has more than one color, like green and white. a leaf that has color aside from green

What does a oak leaf look like?

An oak leaf has pointed edges all along the side. The points come out from the center of the leaf in pairs until the top of the leaf, which has one point. They are usually green, but they change color in the fall.